Spiritual State of the Church

Hebrews 5:11-14 says, “Of Christ, we have many things to say and difficult to make clear to you, not because they are mysteries, but because you are slow to grasp the doctrines delivered you.  You are dull and slothful not willing to self-judge.  It is not true that it is so complicated.  The trouble is with men who take the wrong attitude due to their religious background.  One factor is that preachers and teachers today do not emphasize the gifts of the Spirit nor do they stir up the gifts.  People are not hungry for Holiness and Righteousness.  Many today are not keeping the principles and standards to continue to build on. 

You have been professed Christians long enough to be examples, but because of your laziness and dullness in grasping truth, your desire to be liked has made it a must to be taught a second time the first simple doctrines of Christ.  You have not grown at all.  You have become of those who drawback, and have not grown at all.  Milk feeding is a term that should not even come up.  It is both sacred and profane to express the first principles of religion and science.  Most church leaders today are so childlike; one can’t even have a conversation with them on any topic.

According to 1 Peter 4:10-11, “As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God. If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever.”  Another factor is that the Church is comprised of too many politically correct saints giving alibis for bad behavior by pointing to other bad behavior. Therefore, no one is accountability for any behavior or sin.  Sadly, there is no credit given for good behavior.  Good works are not always honored as a right way to go.  Everyone gets a trophy just for participating.  There is no distinction given to winners.  For instance, in the face of negative behavior, some have reasoned at least the individual is going to Heaven.  I believe that salvation is not just an emotional reward and to say “at least someone is going to Heaven” begs the question of your knowledge and assurance.  To permit or allow for unfettered negative behavior diminishes the importance of on-going sanctification.  Notwithstanding, the word gift in verse 10 refers to spiritual gifts.  This a spiritual gift of the Holy Spirit through Grace.  This is not grace given to promote or grant a license for continued willful sin.  This is an exercise of a spiritual ability by “believers” to minister to others. 

Revelation 22:11-12 states that “He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.”And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to everyone according to his work.”  For the self-justified there is no second chance to improve the life and character of any lost one in all eternity. With respect to the Church, there are men and women who make degrees of evil, even wicked acts, calling them done for the sake of Christ, or the Church. In some cases, rules or standards, legal or political, are implemented as an enemy to the cause of Christ and supplants faith. 

In closing, we must remember the Church is a place of sanctity, spiritual growth and development.  Some have made it a common gathering or association which minimizes the importance of their fellowship.  Lastly, I have becoming increasing disturbed by language and terms used by Church leaders such as the n-word or “player”.  Let’s stop this practice of using such derogatory terms rather than respecting each other as saints.  Church is not the place to call fellow saints, pastors, teachers, and any other person such terms.  If derogatory terms are used, then we must question why someone is there.  Such terms are associated with a life of unrighteousness and sin.  Think about this.

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Pastor James P. Norman Jr.


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