Access to God

God as Christ has become the origin of that image we are to display to the world, in His likeness, one in the same time, we can play the role of the mirror reflecting to others what we received from Him. To understand that, we need to understand the nature of man and the way He made us including how He intended us to function. 

In 1 Thessalonians 5:23 man is spirit, soul, and body. The least important is the body; next the soul which is that behavior mechanism that man has in common with all forms of animal life; and then the human spirit, the most important part of man to God. This spirit allows His creator to occupy man that God might have access to him (man) and man might have access to Him as God.

As we talk about access to God, many of us unfortunately operate backwards with God. We at times look for another approach or another way to access Him. This other way is a back door, which involve our carnal ideas about access to God. In this approach, we become a thief and a robber. When in truth, all we need to do is come to Him through the front door that is always open to us.

As you embark on this journey from spiritual death to spiritual life, you will see how utterly insane it is to blame God for any of our bad choices. The soul being a rebellious part of us, when trapped in something, will rationalize that it is God trying to teach us something.  God teaches us with cold hard Bible truths. The rebel, having the spirit of his other father, uses confusion, and directed signals to blame God for what in truth are the tricks of the devil. Our access to the very presence of God will always inform us of who is doing what and how.

Psalm 59:10 says that my God of mercy shall prevent me, He shall anticipate, and go before me. There is prevenient grace in prayer, in conversion, and in Christian work.  Pressing in by access, insist on the use of means, we have the power to choose between the motive of self and of God.  God's sovereignty and human freedom are like the positive and negative poles of a magnet. They are inseparable from one another, and are indispensable elements in the attraction of the Gospel. This is key and evident in our understanding of access as depicted in the Letters and Epistles through to the revelation of the Book of Revelations.

I thank you for your continued viewing and reading.  If this Blog and its contents has been a blessing to you, then I ask, with God's leading, that you consider supporting Artesian Well Church.

Thank you for reading,

Pastor James P. Norman Jr


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