Spiritual State of the Church
Hebrews 5:11-14 says, “Of Christ, we have many things to say and difficult to make clear to you, not because they are mysteries, but because you are slow to grasp the doctrines delivered you. You are dull and slothful not willing to self-judge. It is not true that it is so complicated. The trouble is with men who take the wrong attitude due to their religious background. One factor is that preachers and teachers today do not emphasize the gifts of the Spirit nor do they stir up the gifts. People are not hungry for Holiness and Righteousness. Many today are not keeping the principles and standards to continue to build on. You have been professed Christians long enough to be examples, but because of your laziness and dullness in grasping truth, your desire to be liked has made it a must to be taught a second time the first simple doctrines of Christ. You have not grown at all. You have become of those who drawback, and have...