Under the Influence of Relativity: A New Age Look at Grace

Let’s talk about being under the influence of relativism.

Many of our teachers and preachers have evolved into a practical denial of Christ’s deity and His atonement. We have turned “grace” into a no harm, no foul doctrine. In other words, man can cure himself. There is no definition or rule to determine good or bad. All can be reasoned with, and allow political correctness to straighten out all questions on sin and evil.

Grace doctrine today leads the saints and ministers away from the true meaning of the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus. Grace (Charis-Grk[1]) is the power and authority to fight for a life of Holiness. Grace is not the hall pass to commit sin and keep doing it. In other words, grace would empower a believer to live in such a way that denotes a life in Christ is worth not practicing sin and continually asking forgiveness.

 The American Church can recover from this failure to properly glean the true meaning of the dispensation of grace only by vigorously asserting the authority of Christ and recognizing the true inspiration of Scripture. We need a new vision of the Savior like on the day of Pentecost. Like that which Paul saw on the way to Damascus, and John saw on the Isle of Patmos, to convince us that Jesus is lifted above space and time. His existence antedated creation (John 1:1-5; Genesis 1:26-28). He conducted the march of Hebrew history (Exodus 13:18). He was born of a virgin (Matthew 1:20-23) and suffered on the cross (Matthew 27:22). He rose from the dead (John 21:13-14) and now lives forevermore, the Lord of the cosmos, the only God with whom we have to do, who has made His personal ministers a Flame of Fire (Hebrews 1:7; Psalms 107:4) SET ON FIRE by THE HOLY SPIRIT.

Full of love, compassion, and anger at the very thought the Devil would send his principle heard of evil spirits to set up a kingdom above the kingdom of God. We must assert and respond with a revival of faith and integrity, otherwise our churches will become secularized. Mission enterprise will die out, and the candlestick will be removed out of its place as it was with the seven churches of Asia, and as it has been with the apostate churches of New England.

A person who tries to apply some doctrine or theory without sufficient regard for practical consideration is someone who is totally dogmatic about their ideas. They are only fanatical in their delivery and will omit the facts that could support such doctrine. Subsequently, there will be no research that will allow for the expansion of the basic principles. Without proper reverential handling of Scripture, doctrine can be infiltrated by the Devil and his order of power. Do not be deceived  Anointing cannot be determined only by emotion. Anointing is a work that proves the presence, power and authority of the Holy Spirit

Just like in the Garden of Eden, our authority as children of God has eluded us by not challenging the powers and principalities that oppose our identity in Christ. By understanding this predicament, we realize that our very enemy we aim to defeat is now holding the reigns. How do we know this? The enemy now has a voice in the church and is speaking and changing the very things the Bible says are in opposition to the Church. Many of us have become accustomed to kissing the ring of a man instead of worshiping the Creator! I do not doubt that the vast majority of saints still hold the faith that was once and  for all delivered to the saints through Christ. I can hold the hope that they will sooner or later separate themselves from those foolish men who deny the Lord because they know they where purchased with His own precious blood.

I would encourage you to avow anew as I do now. In spite of the supercilious assumptions of modern infidelity, my firm belief is only confirmed by the experience and reflection. Both of which has made me angry and sick—even almost to death. As I grieve over what could be the propagation of faith in Christ, the gospel has now been slashed and shredded to an anemic doctrine used a tool of slavery. Doctrine now is a means to keep earnest saints ignorant of intimacy with God. 

Doctrine now is a means to keep earnest saints
 ignorant of intimacy with God

As a result, saints don’t know who they are, where they are and because of this state, the devil has successfully relegated such precious people as clueless subjects.

Revive us Lord!

Pastor Norman

[1] Grace (χαρις)Charis
“In Paul ... χαρις is never merely an attitude or disposition of God (God’s character as gracious); consistently it denotes something much more dynamic—the wholly generous act of God. Like ‘Spirit,’ with which it overlaps in meaning (cf., e.g., [Rom] 6:14 and Gal 5:18), it denotes effective divine power in the experience of men.” —James D.G. Dunn, Romans 1-8 (Dallas: Word Books, 1988), p. 17 http://www.bible-researcher.com/grace.html


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