Are You Being Conformed to This World or Conformed to the Son?

After being confirmed in the Kingdom of God, so many people actually think they have already attained to ALL truth just by getting saved. There are evil spirits all around waiting to kill, steal and destroy the sheep that belong to God. Many may think their doctrine alone can defend them. Only a complete Metamorphoo[1] or change[2] will keep the advance against the Kingdom of Darkness under the authority of Christ. If this change is not in effect in our lives, then the standards of the church will suffer to the core of her foundation. At the end of the day, spineless Christianity produces spineless Christians.

These are just a few tenants or alternate belief notions espoused in Churches today:

ΓΌ  We won’t preach against fornication because some people may get offended.
ΓΌ  We can’t teach about different kinds of family lifestyles outside of God’s design, because hey, everybody has their own take on family. Everyone from the Pastor to the choir has their own definition of family.
ΓΌ  We won’t teach about non-biblical sexual lifestyles and call that sin because we don’t want to be labeled has being hateful.

Laws are being created that are against anyone who would use the word of God to identify sin. The sin that I am speaking about is falling short of the glory of God’s plan for marriage. Additionally, our identity from our natural birth state is also being challenged and redefined. If we’re born a male and don’t like it, we change it and vice versa if we weren’t satisfied with being born female.

In fact, some preachers avoid the word sin altogether, because it’s too negative. The temptation to not use the gospel in subjects that might be offensive has produced a new recipe for a trendy sermon. The Apostle Paul’s preaching and teaching in the First Century was unquestionably confrontational for example. Bible teaching should have these four elements in order to be effective:

Reproof, Correct, Rebuke and to Exhort[3]

Freedom of speech is dying a slow death in the churches.
Freedom of speech is dying a slow death in our churches.
Freedom is one-sided at best. The enemy has the high ground, because there have been generations calling Christians the enemy to society. We must have a revival in the church--a true revival of holiness, and strong preachers and teachers. This will reverse the trend of entropy from the foundation of our salvation, which is surrendering our life at The Cross. Consequently letting Him live His life through our life in the power of the Resurrection. Too many fads and fancies are taking place in our churches for the sake of inclusion and diversity along with the guise of attracting the youth. Some of these antics are unbelievable and diminish the light Jesus so brightly shines.

Leaders of denominations, independent, and local pastors are either too hungry for numbers and money in these hard times or just ignorant of the deceivers poised toward our churches. These deceivers capitalize on our arrogant thinking to let things be as they are as we try to save ourselves. You can’t hide in the darkness of denominationalism and succumb to the bend and sway of notions that are not biblical, you weren't called for that. Let’s get a spiritual spine, and stand against the very appearance of evil, letting the Word of God be the judge.

Talk to you next time, God Bless.

Pastor Norman

[1]Metamorfoo: Strongs# 3339
to change into another form, to transform, to transfigure Christ appearance was changed and was resplendent with divine brightness on the mount of transfiguration.
[2] Romans 8:29 For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. NKJV
Romans 12:2 And do not be conformed [or fashioned according] to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. NKJV
[3] 2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. NKJV


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