Are You Being Conformed to This World or Conformed to the Son?
After being confirmed in the Kingdom of God, so many people actually think they have already attained to ALL truth just by getting saved. There are evil spirits all around waiting to kill, steal and destroy the sheep that belong to God. Many may think their doctrine alone can defend them. Only a complete Metamorphoo [1] or change [2] will keep the advance against the Kingdom of Darkness under the authority of Christ. If this change is not in effect in our lives, then the standards of the church will suffer to the core of her foundation. At the end of the day, spineless Christianity produces spineless Christians. These are just a few tenants or alternate belief notions espoused in Churches today: ü We won’t preach against fornication because some people may get offended. ü We can’t teach about different kinds of family lifestyles outside of God’s design, because hey, everybody has their own take on family. Everyone from the Pastor to the choir has their own def...