
Showing posts from September, 2013

Are You Being Conformed to This World or Conformed to the Son?

After being confirmed in the Kingdom of God, so many people actually think they have already attained to ALL truth just by getting saved. There are evil spirits all around waiting to kill, steal and destroy the sheep that belong to God. Many may think their doctrine alone can defend them. Only a complete Metamorphoo [1] or change [2] will keep the advance against the Kingdom of Darkness under the authority of Christ. If this change is not in effect in our lives, then the standards of the church will suffer to the core of her foundation. At the end of the day, spineless Christianity produces spineless Christians. These are just a few tenants or alternate belief notions espoused in Churches today: ü   We won’t preach against fornication because some people may get offended. ü   We can’t teach about different kinds of family lifestyles outside of God’s design, because hey, everybody has their own take on family. Everyone from the Pastor to the choir has their own def...

Spirituality Comes With a Price

People often ask me, “How are you all still standing?” Those who walk by sight and crunch numbers are befuddled as to why we at Artesian Well Church, are thoroughly prepared to advance the Kingdom of God. We do so by carefully arming ourselves with praise and worship, filling our spirit with the Words of Jesus, and by crying out to the Lord as we seek Him earnestly. The importance of winning the battle against the spiritual forces of evil is a necessary prerequisite for unlocking our spiritual sight (Ephesians 6:12). Our Opponents: Demonic Spirits and Their Schemes The spiritual battle with evil supernatural forces far surpasses all of our imagination. Satan’s subordinates come singly. The demons repeatedly scatter and reunite to attack according to the situation. The when one is chased away, by a prayer, the evil spirit moves on to the next target with teasing, poking, tempting and sometimes with whispers of sweet-talk, and finally, when their identity is exposed, the qui...

Disobeying the Commands of Christ

Matthew 7:23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ I would like to think that some would take this as a warning, and get right with God and their (your) purpose, call and assignment. Very, Very, Important… The Apostle Paul intimates in the following Scriptures, that not to walk after the tradition received from him and not to obey the Word contained in his epistles, is the same as disobedience to the commands of Christ. As such involves the forfeiture of Church fellowship and its privileged tokens, which also includes The Lord’s supper. The offender is not excluded from Christian fellowship, but rather is still counted as a brother. 1 Corinthians 14:37 KJV 37 If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I [Paul]write unto you are the commandments of the Lord. 2 Thessalonians 3:6, 11, 14 KJV 6  Now we command you, brethren, in the name of ...

Under the Influence of Relativity: A New Age Look at Grace

Let’s talk about being under the influence of relativism. Many of our teachers and preachers have evolved into a practical denial of Christ’s deity and His atonement. We have turned “grace” into a no harm, no foul doctrine. In other words, man can cure himself. There is no definition or rule to determine good or bad. All can be reasoned with, and allow political correctness to straighten out all questions on sin and evil. Grace doctrine today leads the saints and ministers away from the true meaning of the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus. Grace ( Charis -Grk [1] ) is the power and authority to fight for a life of Holiness. Grace is not the hall pass to commit sin and keep doing it. In other words, grace would empower a believer to live in such a way that denotes a life in Christ is worth not practicing sin and continually asking forgiveness.   The American Church can recover from this failure to properly glean the true meaning of the dispens...