A Move of Prayer

You shalt begin to pray that I will assemble people and that I will bring people all agreeing together, and you needest not worry, but you needest to intercede and pray with divine power, divine supplications, and intercessions. 

And angels of God shall be camped around you to protect you against the violence of Satan, and the Spirit within you shall teach you how to pray and when to pray.  For a regular hour was established in Israel.  For my people are like scattered sheep.  The people of my body have not come together even yet as one people. They are not united fully.  For my Spirit shall come upon them to pray day and night. For I shall have a world prayer band, and they shall pray alone, pray together, and there shall be ones and two's, and three's, and there shall be 1,000's that pray daily. 

And so hath the Lord designed a great and mighty move of prayer in the very thing of intercession and rejoicings and thanksgivings...So that the intercession shall be tempered with thanksgiving...For where there is no joy for the intercessor, then you will be silent continuously.   

But the Lord will have you to know that he will give you rejoicings, so that it will temper the power of intercession, of weeping, mourning, crying out, and supplications shall have their courses.  So intercession shall follow supplication and there shall be thanksgivings, rejoicings, again intercession, thanksgivings, rejoicings, petitions, requests, repenting, and all the conditions of the prophet of old will be repeated. 

But still another time: the Lord spoke of the ministry of prayer against the powers of Darkness. He said: prove me saith the Lord.  Too many believers are operating with a broken heart.  They have no understanding how broken their hearts are. 

Press into my presence for the powers of darkness are against you. But I say unto you that if you press into my presence and prove me, I will prove to you that I am God.  I will prove to you that I am behind the clouds, that I am in the heavens and that I hold the world in my hand. Yes, I hold the heavens and the Earth and all those things that are therein, even every man.  Everyone in the Earth is mine. 

Now the Lord your God shall see that the harvest is completed and there shall be a great seething. Oh my people shall pray. My people shall work. Now is the time to encourage those who by sorrows are oppressed by the circumstances coming to the Earth.  Yes, they shall seek me early.  Yes, they shall pray to the Lord of the harvest.  Thousands, many thousands of souls shall be rescued before the very end of the harvest comes, when they shall say the summer is ended, the harvest is past and we are not saved. 

Now may I add this word to the pastors of every church.  If you have not instituted, not just prayer but "Intercessory Prayer" in your church, now is the time to do so.  Do not delay.  Establish an hour of prayer.  Get those who cannot come to the prayer services to set an hour of prayer in their homes.  By so doing, you are setting in motion one of the most powerful forces in the universe.  This power will be working for you and your church community continually.  Do not restrict praying for your church alone.  

Pray God's kingdom to come, His will be done.  Pray that the Lord of the harvest will send forth laborers into His vineyard.  Pray for the Body of Christ that it may be ready at the time of His coming. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. At all events pray, and keep the prayer band going. 

I thank you for your continued viewing and reading. If this Blog and its contents have been a blessing to you, then I ask, with God's leading, that you consider supporting Artesian Well Church. 

Talk to you soon,

Pastor James P. Norman Jr.


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