
Showing posts from February, 2014

A Move of Prayer

You shalt begin to pray that I will assemble people and that I will bring people all agreeing together, and you needest not worry, but you needest to intercede and pray with divine power, divine supplications, and intercessions.   And angels of God shall be camped around you to protect you against the violence of Satan, and the Spirit within you shall teach you how to pray and when to pray.  For a regular hour was established in Israel.  For my people are like scattered sheep.   The people of my body have not come together even yet as one people. They are not united fully.  For my Spirit shall come upon them to pray day and night. For I shall have a world prayer band, and they shall pray alone, pray together, and there shall be ones and two's, and three's, and there shall be 1,000's that pray daily.   And so hath the Lord designed a great and mighty move of prayer in the very thing of intercession and rejoicings and thanksgivings...So that the interce...

Sins Against the Holy Spirit

I am somewhat intrigued about the Holy Spirit as the third person of the Godhead with a separate identity, personality and work distinct from the Father and Jesus. I am always overjoyed concerning his work for us this present day. I believe the work of the Holy Spirit is to manifest the active presence of God in the world and in the Church. This expression by the Church is not just in signs, miracles, and wonders but in a life which does not prevent the manifestation and activity of the Holy Spirit. In the Old Testament, the presence of God was manifested in the glory of God. Jesus was the manifest presence of God among men and now the Holy Spirit is the prominent presence resident in us the Body of Christ, the Church. Yet, the Holy Spirit’s presence can be suppressed not by the devil perse — even though demonic influences abound against the plans and purposes of God but by our (believers) inability to trust the Holy Spirit thereby restricting the presence of God. When this occurs, w...

The Nature of Faith

Let’s look again at man.   When Jesus Christ came into this world he didn’t come to be a superman let alone a superstar.   He came to be a man, a just man.   He never could have done as the creator, so He came as a man.   He took on the role of the creature.   It was His desire in all points to be like His new brethren.   He assumed our flesh and blood.   He walked this earth with our body.   He talked with our tongue.    He possessed a soul like yours and mine with a mind, emotion, and a will plus a spirit waiting to be activated by His supernatural power. He didn’t have to do it the way He chose to do it.   He became the last Adam; the second man.   He didn’t have anything more going for Him than you and I.   A part from His sinless humanity marvelously conceived, and fashioned in the virgin womb of a girl presented with that little baby’s body.   The difference being He was unencumbered by sin and only inhabited...

The Value of Faith (Part 2)

Nowhere in the Old and New Testaments is ever a shadow of doubt as to the deity of Christ in the Godhead.  As the Word who was in the beginning was God, and all the way through to the Holy Spirit is God eternal.  Jesus is that life that switches a man from death to eternal life walking on Earth.  Working the same works that God worked through Jesus Christ so that man, woman, boy, or girl can work the glory that was passed on.  The expressed same will, mind, and presence that the Lord Jesus worked out in divine purpose.  Everything Jesus did and worked out was to represent God's point about who man was created to become. The only man to make that happen from the time Adam fell into sin was Jesus Himself.   Jesus is the last Adam-- the second man.  The only man to walk this earth to change man's condition from complete failure to a God man able to stop the devil in his tracks, and to terminate the devil's plans wherever he tried to get started.  W...

The Value of Faith (Part 1)

Trying to believe in something you think is not true is very hard.  Faith is a disposition, an attitude that allows somebody or something to prove the truth about something you find hard to believe.  In the minds of many who are genuine true Christians, there is a lot of confusion about the nature of faith that is why we can exercise faith without being a strong believer, but all strong believers can’t exercise faith.  Does that confuse you?  You see faith is a disposition and an attitude.  This is not demonstrated by what you are doing on behalf of you, but what you allow God to do with your faith. What the object of your faith is doing is bringing into our circumstances the activity of God to do what we have come to realize that we can’t do with Him.  God is doing things that need to be done to keep things going no matter the obstacle or attack.  Faith allows someone or something to prove to you in things you find hard to believe.  S...