The Precious Blood of Christ
Sin makes the blood of Jesus Christ precious, and valuable. The blood of Jesus Christ is precious because of its redeeming power. It's power to acquire back everything that was lost by Adam. According to Hebrews 9:22, without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin.
Had Christ possessed only a human nature, he could not have been without sin. But life can draw out of the putrid clod materials for its own living. Having the odor of decaying flesh. Divine life appropriates the human. What with us is regeneration the saving the soul, re-activating the spirit of man, is with Him (Christ) the incarnation of God. The power of that regeneration to be in the cleansing of the sins by the precious blood (Acts 20:28).
Many years ago as our ministry grew, one of many set-backs came when we lost a building. The late Dr. Roy Hicks called Kathy and I and asked us to meet him at that empty church for prayer. The main thing we learned that day was to pray to Jesus who is the head of the Church, and plead His blood to cover all that we do in Jesus Name, and that He would continue to teach us His word in faith and power.
Another thing I have learned is that church leaders must stop adoring things, and people God has already rejected. If you have to ask who, and what that is you should avoid giving it credit by your fellowship. Jesus is the sole owner of His body the Church. Satan is busy destroying the Church of Jesus Christ right before our very eyes. This will always bring disgrace, and immorality. Showing signs of lack of holiness, and disconnect of anointing. Many are contaminating His precious blood by thinking they can save anyone. The blood of Christ is still working God's eternal purpose in the ministries that are standing on the firm foundation of the word of God.
Leaders, and those in highly visible positions, are coming out making it clear what they do, who they are, and what they stand for. As if what you stand for makes you a hero. Coming out in the Church is next, and it will be openly. This is not a sign of the end, but one can see where the ministries need to build up on their most holy faith and stand against the forces of evil that don't seem to be afraid of crossing pass the blood of Jesus Christ. Some need to turn away from their religious spirit of quit, and stand and fight the good fight of faith, and stand on the promises of God for they are true.
I believe the Church is sitting on a bolt of anointing heading out of us to do any work God would assign us to accomplish. When beset in a grief status then we need to see ourselves pleading the blood of Jesus, and its covering against any item or weapon from the enemy. The blood is like a supernatural blanket of protection. The anointing that travels faster than the speed of human thought. So fast that all can you do is allow it the right of way passed your fears, doubts, and religious unbelief.
Many today fail to recognize that the Church belong to Jesus Christ. He knows even the thoughts and intents of a person's heart. His blood flows with the life, and energy to anyone who will stay under that flow of His endless supply of cleansing blood. There will come a validation of these things.
The world's corruption runs deeper than anyone can know, but the Holy Spirit knows and it's up to us to ask Him what to pray and intercede for to stop the advance of the enemy against the Church, which is His Body (Romans 8:26). The Blood of Christ is the redeemer. The blood can do for us what all the verbal fighting can't do. It's not by might, nor by human power, but by My Spirit says the Lord (Zechariah 4:6).
Relationship between us and Him puts Him Christ in us, as He was in God. Through His Blood, when Jesus died for us on Calvary He paid the price for all my sins. However, I should use all the discipline power of that death to not sin. He suffered all the pain I could ever suffer and now His Spirit quickens within me to demand victory over, hell, sin and the grave.
I am just a suit of clothes that Jesus wears. The fit is perfect, tailor made for me. So is yours.
I cannot pastor or teach. I must let Him in me pastor and teach. He is the chief shepherd over His flock. He is the Master Rabbi. He rose again to bring abundant life to justify our coming into His presence. I live no more but it is He who continues His life here through me and you. I'm just a vessel blessed to be able to think, His thought, speaking and writing His words. To be a witness to His power. We have a hard time saying what is sin but His precious blood flowing in us cleanses us from all unrighteousness. It will reveal to us what is sin.
Artesian Well Church
6031 Linden Avenue
Long Beach, Ca
Had Christ possessed only a human nature, he could not have been without sin. But life can draw out of the putrid clod materials for its own living. Having the odor of decaying flesh. Divine life appropriates the human. What with us is regeneration the saving the soul, re-activating the spirit of man, is with Him (Christ) the incarnation of God. The power of that regeneration to be in the cleansing of the sins by the precious blood (Acts 20:28).
Many years ago as our ministry grew, one of many set-backs came when we lost a building. The late Dr. Roy Hicks called Kathy and I and asked us to meet him at that empty church for prayer. The main thing we learned that day was to pray to Jesus who is the head of the Church, and plead His blood to cover all that we do in Jesus Name, and that He would continue to teach us His word in faith and power.
Another thing I have learned is that church leaders must stop adoring things, and people God has already rejected. If you have to ask who, and what that is you should avoid giving it credit by your fellowship. Jesus is the sole owner of His body the Church. Satan is busy destroying the Church of Jesus Christ right before our very eyes. This will always bring disgrace, and immorality. Showing signs of lack of holiness, and disconnect of anointing. Many are contaminating His precious blood by thinking they can save anyone. The blood of Christ is still working God's eternal purpose in the ministries that are standing on the firm foundation of the word of God.
Leaders, and those in highly visible positions, are coming out making it clear what they do, who they are, and what they stand for. As if what you stand for makes you a hero. Coming out in the Church is next, and it will be openly. This is not a sign of the end, but one can see where the ministries need to build up on their most holy faith and stand against the forces of evil that don't seem to be afraid of crossing pass the blood of Jesus Christ. Some need to turn away from their religious spirit of quit, and stand and fight the good fight of faith, and stand on the promises of God for they are true.
I believe the Church is sitting on a bolt of anointing heading out of us to do any work God would assign us to accomplish. When beset in a grief status then we need to see ourselves pleading the blood of Jesus, and its covering against any item or weapon from the enemy. The blood is like a supernatural blanket of protection. The anointing that travels faster than the speed of human thought. So fast that all can you do is allow it the right of way passed your fears, doubts, and religious unbelief.
Many today fail to recognize that the Church belong to Jesus Christ. He knows even the thoughts and intents of a person's heart. His blood flows with the life, and energy to anyone who will stay under that flow of His endless supply of cleansing blood. There will come a validation of these things.
The world's corruption runs deeper than anyone can know, but the Holy Spirit knows and it's up to us to ask Him what to pray and intercede for to stop the advance of the enemy against the Church, which is His Body (Romans 8:26). The Blood of Christ is the redeemer. The blood can do for us what all the verbal fighting can't do. It's not by might, nor by human power, but by My Spirit says the Lord (Zechariah 4:6).
Relationship between us and Him puts Him Christ in us, as He was in God. Through His Blood, when Jesus died for us on Calvary He paid the price for all my sins. However, I should use all the discipline power of that death to not sin. He suffered all the pain I could ever suffer and now His Spirit quickens within me to demand victory over, hell, sin and the grave.
I am just a suit of clothes that Jesus wears. The fit is perfect, tailor made for me. So is yours.
I cannot pastor or teach. I must let Him in me pastor and teach. He is the chief shepherd over His flock. He is the Master Rabbi. He rose again to bring abundant life to justify our coming into His presence. I live no more but it is He who continues His life here through me and you. I'm just a vessel blessed to be able to think, His thought, speaking and writing His words. To be a witness to His power. We have a hard time saying what is sin but His precious blood flowing in us cleanses us from all unrighteousness. It will reveal to us what is sin.
I thank you for your continued viewing and reading. If this Blog and its contents has been a blessing to you, then I ask, with God's leading, that you consider supporting Artesian Well Church.
6031 Linden Avenue
Long Beach, Ca
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