How Healing the Sick, Casting Out Demons & Evangelism Work Together

Exodus 15:26 reveals I am Jehovah that Healeth Thee.

The purpose of this message is to establish within you the fact that beyond all shadow of doubt God Wants to Heal You.  God has no tolerance for the destructive behavior of wicked Christians, but rather they turn to righteousness. 

He has placed in the Body of Christ that will, the raising the dead, healing the sick, destroying the false prophets, and can see revival spread out through their land.  Those who accepted walked with great favor, great anointing, and God was their friend. 

The early Church believed in miracles. They prayed for miracles and expected them.  This was not expectancy by a few, but by everyone, and according to their faith, it was done unto them: They were healed. Everyone.  They had never seen our Lord Jesus Christ refuse anyone.  He never turned any away.  None ever applied to Him for healing in vain. The early Church was following His example.  If He healed them all when He was with them in Person, then He would do the same when He was living IN them.  They were healed. Everyone. 

The demand for faith by God must be answered.   

Once again when people are fully convinced that God wants to heal them, and it is not His will for them to be sick, it seems they practically always receive healing when they pray for it, if not before knowing this provides a basis which perfect faith can act.   

For a moment let’s stop and talk about a special gift within the five-fold that goes here partly which is the gift of evangelism.  This gift requires that you always ask God where to go, and what enemies are there which is just as important as praying for the seekers to come and hear. Also ask God who He is working on to be saved.  Who would be hungry for the good news when they hear it? Ask God to take the leadership for He knows where the fish are, who is ready to be harvested, and where they are.  Send us to those that can be doers of the Word of God and can help spread the Gospel.

We know what God is saying and what He is capable of doing to increase the kingdom even in wicked times.  The devil has placed into the Body of Christ a satanic power that is intolerant of anything the Church stands for biblically, and says that if the Church doesn’t tolerate the evil, lust, sexual sins of all kinds, and allow people to come as they want to without any principles, morality, and never identify sin that the Bible does, then we have no love. 

The new “grace” is saying everyone is already saved and they just don’t know it.  When a minister supports such a declaration, then the teaching tends to focus on learning about oneself rather the exploration of God. 

So many have abnormal behavior as Christians.  No matter what decade they find themselves coming from. Whoever told us to become diversified to win souls? 
Years ago, people would ask the Holy Spirit who to witness too.  After we had done the work, then we would take them to church.   

Acting on God’s Word

I say “Act on God’s Word” because Faith without works is dead (James 2:20) and Satan and his crowd hates it when we do.  This little fact is important.  Faith never talks, it always acts.  Often we meet folks who are careful to explain to me how much faith they have, and how long they have had it.   

Many when asked if they believe that they will be healed consider the question almost an insult t their belief or doctrine on faith.  Of course, the reply, I have always believed God or I have had faith for years.  This may be true, but they have never acted on faith so it has been dead faith (James 2:20).   

Only living faith, which is that coupled with action, brings the answer.  Real faith does not brag and never elaborates on how strongly it believes God.  It says nothing, but ACTS ON WHAT GOD HAS SAID.  Faith produces action.  Faith brings possession and begets healing, deliverance, and prosperity.  According to Hebrews 11:1, Faith is evidence.   

Now back to evangelism.  Great faith doesn’t always go after the needy, or addicted, but will also do as Jesus did in His search for followers.  He picked primarily men, hard workers and professionals.  He knew He needed a purse, a large one to do the work of ministry. 

It would seem foolish to say we believe something and then refuse to act accordingly.  It would be utterly useless to declare that you have great confidence in the strength of that bridge which spans the chasm and yet refuse to drive your automobile across it.  James says, “Faith wrought with his works, and by works was [his—Abraham’s] faith made perfect” (James 2:22).  Act on your faith, and you will not need to talk so much about it.  You prove your faith by your actions that correspond.  You prove your faith, and actions will justify your faith once and again. 

Astonished at Jesus’ Words 

After Jesus had been baptized of John in Jordan, He was led of the Spirit into the wilderness for forty days, and then returned Jesus in the Power of the Spirit (Luke 4:14) to begin His earthly ministry.  I want you to notice something very interesting here.  People were astonished that Jesus spoke with such power and authority.  They were astounded by His doctrine.  Why was that?  His Word Was With Power (Luke 4:32).  They exclaimed, “What a Word is This!!”  It came with Authority and Power.  He commandeth the unclean spirits, and they came out.  This man, Jesus, stood in a fisherman’s boat that was tossing and plunging in the raging waves of the sea, and in the face of a black sky and the fury of sweeping winds, “He said the storm, Peace be still” (Mark 4:39), and lo!  There was a great calm.  Then the disciples exclaimed, “What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey Him?  Jesus did this because His Word Was with Power.  Observe that Jesus did not need to pray to the Father for help, He spoke to the storm.   

Let us agree in Faith together that whatever ask for, and are willing to receive when we pray.  

I thank you for your continued viewing and reading.  If this Blog and its contents has been a blessing to you, then I ask, with God's leading, that you consider supporting Artesian Well Church.

Artesian Well Church
6031 Linden Avenue
Long Beach, Ca

In his Service,
Pastor James P. Norman Jr.


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