Jesus as …the Godhead? Colossians 2:9-10

Christ Jesus claims for Himself all that belongs to God (John 6:37, John 10:29), and declares that the Holy Spirit shall reveal Him to be the rightful inheritor. Some could say that declaration would classify Him as a heretic. However, The Father has confirmed this in the affirmative along with company of the Holy Spirit it with signs following. Only a divine Christ can extend an unpresumptuous hand to take all that belongs to the Father. And by the Holy Spirit baptism, can this authority be transferred in the inheritance of the saints. Therefore, a Saint (one who lives in the acknowledgement of being set apart by God) will thrive without any and all fear of missing the things that His Word promises to those who live by faith.

The rapture will be the final reward to those that stayed in the body of Christ until the end.
The rapture will be the final reward to those
that stayed in the Body of Christ until the end.
The Son in whom our very being rests and trust is truly God. And this true God is Jesus. Jesus’ name is associated with the very God of Glory upon a footing of total equality (Phil 2:6). Adding to the formula of: Spirit and water baptisms, these Apostolic rites to eternal life is dependent equally upon Christ. In addition, the spiritual gifts (1Cor 1:4-9) are attributed to Christ equally with God the Father. Further proof of Christ’s deity may be attributed to Him in the phrases: Son of God and the Image of God (John 14: 8-11).  These declarations reiterate His “Oneness” in Deity or otherwise known as “The Godhead.”

Christian experience recognizes Christ as the absolutely perfect Savior. Which in turn perfectly reveals the Godhead and worthy of unlimited worship and adoration (Heb 1: 4-14). His Word (as Jesus Christ) is absolute and unchanging as deity. As the church recognizes her Lord’s divinity, the fullness of the Godhead is manifested on Earth. Indeed, it is not mere speculation upon the relations of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, that has compelled the formulation of Scripture doctrine of Oneness. The doctrine of Oneness is an attempt to articulate the incalculable deity that Jesus Christ sustains and is. Where we fall short in this doctrine, is by limiting our experiences and practices to Jesus name only. As believers, we should not stop our journey here. By calling Jesus by His name, we invoke all that God is—totally.

The union of the divine nature is imparted by allowing one’s character to be shaped by the Word of God (Ro 6:6-7), and the workings of the Holy Spirit. Just as when Jesus did when He walked the Earth. Christ had power to be, to know and to do, as God. This knowledge and wisdom is available now to us to incorporate in our daily existence by faith. The communication of the contents of the divine nature to the human by faith, is a work of divine energy.  The union of two natures in one person is necessary to constitute Jesus Christ a proper mediator between man and God.  This two-fold nature, moreover, enables him to present to both God and man proper terms of reconciliation. As a man Christ made atonement for man. Being God, His atonement, continues to have infinite power and value.

While both his divinity and his humanity combine to move the hearts of the offenders and constrain them to submission and love. This proves that it is damnable sin to change the Word of God at this time to make room in the Church of God for those who will still practice sins. By this allowance, it puts us in an erroneous position to presume that we have the power to stop the Word of God from determining what is righteous and what sin is. It exalts the purpose of humanity, which is to be a minister of reconciliation to God and characterizes us as instruments to stop the life character change that God does just by our tolerance of that activity.

Jesus is more than just a name. I invite you to journey with me as you walk with our Precious Lord, to discover the height, dept, width and vastness that He is. It will mean letting go of the rails of tradition and religion and enjoying living relationship with a God who so wants to wrap you in His arms.

The Journey Continues…

Pastor Norman.


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