God will do good and surprising things! When Jesus is here he is in and Satan is out. Jesus is the only one that makes life worth living. When we are brought to a moment of despair we must stay in Jesus care. If you say “I can’t at the moment” God will reply “I never said you could without me giving direction”. You will be a bigger failure than expected without him.

True repentance is not the past, but facing the facts of life that are going on right now. NOW FAITH IS. God is looking through us to redeem those that are lost in his flock. The lamp of light that shines continually upon this ministry will keep us safe from the darkness and shadows that evil hides in. Repentance is a continuing state of change. I need to keep in place the thing that I need to continue to perform and that what God has apprehended me to accomplish.

True faith will always use what God has made by his word, and it will also use the leading of the Holy Spirit. If it wasn’t for true faith I would not have gone through what I have gone through to do what he is training me to accomplish.  In my weakness he is made strong. We as “the spirits of God” can do all things with him in charge. Don’t be self-centered, be Christ centered.

Flesh is just what it is, and what it will always be, you can sell yourself and do evil for many causes. You can say that the cause is right, looking for a end. Therefore, when we speak of a Christian filled with the spirit, we are referring to the control the Holy Spirit has on the human being/the believer.

1)      Heb 11:1 (Now Faith Is) the substance to your prayers and desires that are Godly agreements Acts 14:9 Have faith to be healed the Holy Spirit will perceive that you have faith to be healed. (please apply this  training)
2)      Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities.
3)      I Peter 2:24-25 24 who himself bore our sins in his own body on the true, that we having died to sin, might live for righteousness whose stripes you were healed. Sins (repentance) and life for God righteousness. Isaiah 53:5 personal holiness, psychological, physical, and soul wounds flow from this concretion.
4)      I Kings 20:16-22 28-29 delivered by God into your hands

The Chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. Because of all this the believer is exhausted, “be filled with the spirit” Eph 5:18 or as we translate it “be controlled by the spirit of God.”

The tendency is broken when the sinner is saved, in that God breaks the power of the sinful nature, which nature had exerted absolute control over him, and gives him his own divine nature. The believer is then exhorted to be controlled by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit ministry in the premises is to maintain in the actual experience of the Christian, that which God did for him the moment he saved him. The Holy Spirit suppresses the activities of the evil nature whose power was broken and produces his fruit in the life. The very fact that an individual is exhorted to do something, demands as a logical accomplishment, that person’s exercise of his will in the doing of that thing. The Lord Jesus waited for you and me to recognize him as savior and he saved us.

Our Lord in John 7:37-38 lays down two simple requirements for the fullness of the spirit a fruit for his control and a trust in the Lord Jesus for the spirits control. By the way this is where the name for our church came from: the Artesian Well that’s springs unto everlasting waters. Please be sure to follow up on the scriptures provided within this blog post. God bless you!

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Pastor James P. Norman


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