You know when God comes in he doesn’t come in to abide. He comes in to take over! Where there is holy worship, he takes over. Let’s try some problem solving by the word of God!

1.      See that there is a problem
2.      Examine the problem
3.      See what the word says about the  problem
4.      Put yourself in the problem as a problem solver
5.      Solve the problem with strong ACTION
6.      Then move to the next problem


  Jesus had a role to play in the Christian. Jesus is in our lives, as savior but Jesus Christ has been the object but not the origin. My moves must come from him as the origin. My moves must come from him as the origin not just going to heaven. He must be the object as well as the origin of all my activity. He must become the spiritual life force of all my activity as a believer. You might have all the church tools and you may have a change, but not the release. This is church doctrine only. This is how they get you. You change to adapt to doctrine but you will not learn biblically to release to him that which is his.

  It’s like giving up something for lent. As a kid I would give up chewing gum for lent, that was easy because I never chew gum. You can be made to conform to church rules. Having done that you feel you are in right standing with God. You may be in right standing with the church, but have totally missed God. What is missing is divine approval. What God has said about truth, one thing the truth does is direct the people into possession to hear his voice, and not be afraid of his directions. God’s direction will always take you in directions that will make you stronger, not weaker. More spiritual and less concerned about the appearance and the material. This is why there is so much confession. Many multitudes know Christ as a redeemer, but not for themselves as lender, and guide into all truth. The truth will re-shape you into him.

  Your struggle is not with healing, or prosperity; even with faith your struggle is letting Christ do-it with his word of truth. When it comes down to it for some to walk away and think they can make it with Christ by themselves are living in a fool’s paradise. God must be the head of every activity for it to be genuine from Christ.

  He is the potter and we are the clay. Jesus said without me you can do nothing. Jesus said, “If my words abide in you and you abide in me you can ask what you will and it will be done for you by my Father”. If what you are doing for him has no place for Him, and he plays no role in it, how much is it from him? The action plays no role. What is all your praying, working, preaching, teaching, singing, and playing for? Who gets the benefit? Are you spending a lifetime doing nothing? How much of what he saved you for are you accomplishing? Nothing! The problem is so many spend a lifetime doing nothing he told you to do. Doing what you desire for him.

  Only what Christ asks of you will last. We are looking for a total change of atmosphere. Man in all his charisma, and ability doesn’t have what it takes to make a person become a true believer. You must discover the ability to live together with Christ as the head. Then you can really have the peace to let Christ tell you what to do and say for him. With this type of faith the Church and your Pastor can truly become Christ’s own. One Person that must come to every meeting that doesn’t need to be invited is Jesus of Nazereth. 

Thank you for reading! 
Pastor James P. Norman
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