As a bible teacher, I read the bible like it was a daily newspaper of
current events.
Mark 13:14
Holy Scripture- Great
Inspired Tribulation
14: Jesus picked up the
inspired apocalyptic language of Daniel’s prophecy. Apparently Jesus
pointed to the Roman
destruction of the Jewish temple in A.D 10 and beyond that to the second
coming, showing
scripture is opened to renewed understanding and fulfillment for different
generations. God has
new things to reveal from his word.
Last things, great
tribulation-the phrase abomination that causes desolation comes verbatim from
Dan. 9:27; 11:31;12:11.
Abomination is a term that describes sacrilege such as the profaning of a
holy place. Many
believe Daniel’s prophecy had immediate reference to the unclean sacrifices in
the Jerusalem temple by
the Romans in A.D 10
Romans 1:28-32
28-Intellectual Nature-
Turning to Abominations
Abomination (depraved)
normally describes something that does not measure up to a moral; or
biblical standard of
When applied to the
human soul (mind). That refers to a mind (character) that does not see the
wisdom in making the
free will choices to ignore the temptations of sin and choices that God
makes so available to
the true believers.
There must be a serious
drive to the wisdom of God, and the sins for a season. Most humans will
rebel against moral
limits. God responds to continued rebellion by letting your will carry you
into places and ideas
that are lust dominated rather than the spiritual drive to know God.
Such an intelligent
leads people astray, causing the rejection of God himself and leading to
wholly irresponsible
behavior. God gives people the freedom to choose.
We know what it is
right and choose what is wrong. We encourage others to do the same. Sin
dominates our life.
This is human moral and intellectual depravity. We need help. Our human
wisdom is not
One consequence of
human rejection of God’s plan for life is the seeds of homosexual activity.
The biblical revelation
to be God’s intended form of sexual interaction and condemns
homosexual acts (Lev,
18:22; 2-:13). A homosexual life-style is contrary to the gospel. It is also
dangerous to health,
welfare, and unity to any church, community, culture, and family
Romans 1:26-28
Political correctness
was created by Stalin, and his Marxist ideas on maximum control. Stalin
killed 40,000,000 of
his people to get the results of complete domination. This was sins at it’s
highest, at this time
committed by many leaders in WWII. There is no easy complacency way to
deal with sin, however
there are those false misleading concepts held by many of us about sin
that are dangerous and
damaging. Political correct ideas are the most dangerous. It’s hard for
many to allow the word
of God to get through their political correct minds. 30 years of this control
is against the
teachings of the Bible.
Sin in the most
terrible, the most terrifying thing that ever struck the world! Nothing has
happened to man as
damaging as sin. Sin has a language, it has an ideology very useful to those
who desire to continue
a lifestyle of sin and still be correct.
This type of lifestyle
has a tremendous effect upon the church, the teaching of the gospel, the
world and all mankind.
If sin is not dealt
with, if sin is left unjudged; if sin is left un-repented of ; forsaken and
forgotten, it brings
the certain judgment and punishment of God. All Christians need to face the
sin issue clearly and
see their need for honest confession before God.
Whatever outward acts
of sin that may be committed by man are only outward expressions of the
new attitude of
independence from God. When saints fail to maintain their rightful attitude
toward God (that of
total dependence upon the Godhand) it is clear from Paul’s indictment, all
kinds of sins are bound
to follow.
Against the sinful
church, and the human race, he makes this charge (Romans 1:21, 22; 18-32);
this long list of sins
are but the outward manifestations of man’s failure to remain in his rightful
attitude of complete
dependence on God, to glorify his creator as God and to remain subject to
his will.
Whatsoever is not of
faith is sin. (Ro. 14:23)
So many of us think
only of immoralities of sin. THIS IS NOT TRUE!
The greatest castle of
sin is not a house of prostitution; it is the place of self-righteousness. The self
righteous fold feel
they some church ritual, a procedure that when these
ordinances have been
safely placed their lives can take it anywhere back in and out of the world.
Cultures, refined, and
moral though they be, their dependence upon themselves moves them far
from God.
Christians do sin. Many
preachers and teachers say that no genuinely converted, born again
Christian ever sins. It
is said that Christians make mistakes, they err, and they have “faults.” But
they have no sin and
never commit acts of sin. These teachers feel that when one becomes a
Christian instantaneously
every vestige of sin is removed, and that the Christian has become so
good that he does no
wrong. But such persons who maintain these ideas, however well the
intention, do “not”
know human nature ad no “not” know the Bible. Christians do sin! All
Christians sin!
And it can be further
stated, that no believer can have day-by- day victory over sin and live the
happy, joyful,
triumphant life, until he faces the true facts about sin. Daily repentance placed in
our prayer life helps
us change from today. To deny presence of sin in our natures and lives means
Thank you for reading!
Pastor James P. Norman Jr.
Thank you for reading!
Pastor James P. Norman Jr.
Interesting! thanks!