Today before we enter into this new kind of ministry, there is a matter that needs consideration because a shortcoming here can mean failure elsewhere. I refer to a minister’s capacity to understand people, to work with them, and to get along with them, this ability is necessarily in the realm of the ministry as in any other profession. A warning not to allow yourself to be trained by political correct speech. This will make you common in your effectiveness.

To get along with people does not mean that a person has to compromise his principles. Indeed, if he does that, in the end he will probably lose favor with both God and man. But he must be able to win people’s confidence before he can help them. You must always be open to use unusual faith for real miracles, and by no means allow yourself to fail in sins that are accepted by the norm. There is a success by mans standards and one that is accepted by the working of God’s word.

The gospel is good news, the greatest story ever told, the most wonderful (powerful) news that ever happened to this world. Yet it has to be sold anew to every generation, to every individual. It is a fact that the interest of the average person in his church is determined largely by his feelings toward his pastor. A minister’s success, therefore, to a large degree depends upon his ability to produce in his people the feeling that he or she is worthy of the position he holds as their shepherd. If they come to the conclusion that he is unworthy, they may stay but his effectiveness as a pastor ceases. He must operate them by tricks, fast words, and bullying. This situation may arise, not because he is an unconsecrated man nor because he does not have ability, but simply because he is unable to sell himself to the people. He has failed in the field of public relations.

A minister’s inability to function well with people is often caused by certain peculiar habits and personality quirks which are usually possible for him to correct. An unwillingness to try to correct them is a far more serious matter than the faults themselves. Pride may stand in the way of his admitting he is guilty of any fault and thus he may limit his effectiveness in the ministry or doom himself to mediocrity.

The call to the ministry is a matter between God and the minister. But the issue is no longer between him or her and God alone, nor is it to be settled in the realm of personal character and energy. You are now to deal with people; and unless he can win and lead those people, his consecration and preparation become abortive. How important is every act of the minister- especially when he begins his labors in a new place and people are forming their opinion of him. How discouraging it is when he learns that the people as a whole have not received him. 

Pastor James P. Norman Jr.


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