The Works of the Holy Spirit
The Spirit is the spirit of conviction, enlightenment, quickening, in the sinner: and of revelation, remembrance, witness, sanctification, consolation, to the saint.
The spirit of the sinner is struggling for light as it is stumbling on the edge of a precipice at midnight; enlightens the Christian, as the rising sun reveals a landscape which was all there before, but which was hidden from sight until the great luminary of Jesus, love made it visible. This morning light did not create the lovely prospect it revealed; it only showed the real state of what the darkness had concealed.
Without the Holy Spirit at work redemption would be impossible, and the revelation of God's true love for us would be just a shadow idea.
Christ is God entering into human history, but without the Holy Spirit Christianity would be only history. The Holy Spirit is God entering into human hearts. The Holy Spirit turns creed into the love for life. Christ is the physician who leaves the remedy and then departs. The Holy Spirit is the nurse who applies and administers the remedy, and who remains with the patient until the cure is completed. God's word become the medicine which is health and healing to all our parts.
Listening to the Holy Spirit is a work of vanity if the mirror exists in the room, if it is lying on its face. If it tells a lie to the viewer as to what it sees. It is not enough that He has prepared a way for us, we must prepare our selves to what the mirror is showing us in truth and honesty. For without holiness no man will see (mirror) the Lord.
It is not enough that the light has come; you yourself must arise and shine. No outward shining can reveal, unless you are a reflector of its glory. The Holy Spirit must set you on your feet, that you may hear Him that speaks to you personally.
The Holy Spirit does not reveal Himself, but Christ. So should the servants of the Holy Spirit hide themselves while they make known Christ? When the anointing is high enough to take over the person, or the building it will be invisible to the unlearned eye or soul, but those to the mirror of the spirit it becomes full and rich with the work of the ministry of Christ. The effect He produces within us in the shape of new knowledge, new love, and new energy of our own powers. Most denominations that must have compete control will not allow any of these true works of the Holy Spirit to ever present itself on any level.
No man can bear witness to Christ and to himself at the same time. No man can give the impression that he himself is clever and also mighty to save. The power of the Holy Spirit is felt only when the witness is unconscious of self, and when others remain unconscious of him. The Holy Spirit, as the vicar of Christ. The night before the cross, the Holy Spirit was present to the mind of Christ as a person.
The doctrine of the Holy Spirit has never yet been scientifically unfolded. No treatise on it has appeared comparable to the maze of cross references found throughout the Bible. Studying the complex ways the mind of the Godhead goes back and forward, in and out working together and many times spoken of as individuals acting in the motives of the three. If anyone comes up with something as a new look, the revilers will come from everywhere with another angry attack trying to stop the questions legitimate research can come up with to keep the truth that is there for all to see. Proving that God is still real, loving and careful not to overlook anyone. His deepest desire that anyone who will hunger and thirst after righteousness will be satisfied.
Thank you for your continued viewing and reading. If this Blog and its contents have been a blessing to you, then I ask, with God's leading, that you consider supporting Artesian Well Church.
Talk to you soon,
Pastor James P. Norman Jr.
Artesian Well Church
6031 Linden Avenue
Long Beach, Ca
The spirit of the sinner is struggling for light as it is stumbling on the edge of a precipice at midnight; enlightens the Christian, as the rising sun reveals a landscape which was all there before, but which was hidden from sight until the great luminary of Jesus, love made it visible. This morning light did not create the lovely prospect it revealed; it only showed the real state of what the darkness had concealed.
Without the Holy Spirit at work redemption would be impossible, and the revelation of God's true love for us would be just a shadow idea.
Christ is God entering into human history, but without the Holy Spirit Christianity would be only history. The Holy Spirit is God entering into human hearts. The Holy Spirit turns creed into the love for life. Christ is the physician who leaves the remedy and then departs. The Holy Spirit is the nurse who applies and administers the remedy, and who remains with the patient until the cure is completed. God's word become the medicine which is health and healing to all our parts.
Listening to the Holy Spirit is a work of vanity if the mirror exists in the room, if it is lying on its face. If it tells a lie to the viewer as to what it sees. It is not enough that He has prepared a way for us, we must prepare our selves to what the mirror is showing us in truth and honesty. For without holiness no man will see (mirror) the Lord.
It is not enough that the light has come; you yourself must arise and shine. No outward shining can reveal, unless you are a reflector of its glory. The Holy Spirit must set you on your feet, that you may hear Him that speaks to you personally.
The Holy Spirit does not reveal Himself, but Christ. So should the servants of the Holy Spirit hide themselves while they make known Christ? When the anointing is high enough to take over the person, or the building it will be invisible to the unlearned eye or soul, but those to the mirror of the spirit it becomes full and rich with the work of the ministry of Christ. The effect He produces within us in the shape of new knowledge, new love, and new energy of our own powers. Most denominations that must have compete control will not allow any of these true works of the Holy Spirit to ever present itself on any level.
No man can bear witness to Christ and to himself at the same time. No man can give the impression that he himself is clever and also mighty to save. The power of the Holy Spirit is felt only when the witness is unconscious of self, and when others remain unconscious of him. The Holy Spirit, as the vicar of Christ. The night before the cross, the Holy Spirit was present to the mind of Christ as a person.
The doctrine of the Holy Spirit has never yet been scientifically unfolded. No treatise on it has appeared comparable to the maze of cross references found throughout the Bible. Studying the complex ways the mind of the Godhead goes back and forward, in and out working together and many times spoken of as individuals acting in the motives of the three. If anyone comes up with something as a new look, the revilers will come from everywhere with another angry attack trying to stop the questions legitimate research can come up with to keep the truth that is there for all to see. Proving that God is still real, loving and careful not to overlook anyone. His deepest desire that anyone who will hunger and thirst after righteousness will be satisfied.
Thank you for your continued viewing and reading. If this Blog and its contents have been a blessing to you, then I ask, with God's leading, that you consider supporting Artesian Well Church.
Talk to you soon,
Pastor James P. Norman Jr.
Artesian Well Church
6031 Linden Avenue
Long Beach, Ca
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