Healing in the Name of Jesus
Divine Healing is the right of every born-again believer. This is not just some trick, but it is to be preached, taught and used everywhere there is a need for cures and deliverances. As healing becomes more prevalent, and part of your church community, then strong unity can be accomplished. The devil has done a good job in the past to crush this and all other supernatural powers Christ came to establish in the new kingdom. You dishonor the Holy Spirit by trying to wipeout any trace of what Christ's death, burial and resurrection placed in His body of believers which is the Church. It grieves the Holy Spirit, as well as many of us who believe that these signs follow those who practice the faith that it takes.
All your groups and your church doctrines have just about stripped the body of Christ of supernatural power and love. So many are interested in circling the world with false love and tolerance for others beliefs and religions excluding the two true one's. They think that by not offending the evil doers and allowing them to stay with no judgment, or biblical challenges they will join and support your churches. They will come and maybe get some saved, but they will be converted, but take over. From the heads of the organization, to the saints working in the ministry of helps, calling it compassion, you have become the doorkeepers of sin. Allowing entrance into the body of Christ with no resistance from those with the word of God.
Many church leaders today would say the ones who are standing against this invasion of sin and sinners into the Church are mean spirited, and have no love, but are filled with hate and phobias. You have the answer just leave them alone, and God will fix it L.O.L.
When your group begins to think they are saviors because they say they are the only ones who have the truth many are by-passing sound biblical logic. The Gospels say Jesus Christ, himself is the truth, the way, and the light (life). Jesus himself is the head of the Church. He has set in the Church, Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, and Pastors who teach. To stay the course, He has setup in the Church for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body, so He can see the same fullness He has in His vision for that body. He has equipped it to do the hard stuff the devil would come to change the image God has for us.
Leaders today want to be liked so badly they will use those who openly have lifestyles that the world covers as okay, even against their own knowledge of the Word of God. Many are placed in offices of judgment over saints conduct and biblical truth. These sorcerers bring much financial gain to the organization with their preaching and music. They are able to move freely among the people of God because the sheep who follow them see in them the freedom to co-mingle with those who are involved in the same lustful desires and sin. If you follow this you will have little leadership into the life of holiness that the pure Word of God demands. For without it no man will understand the Lord's plan.
Christians cannot ignore parts of God's Word because there are unpopular passages, or they might cause division. Our commission is to proclaim Christ and all He stands for. This is what the Church's presence in the world is all about. We cannot sincerely proclaim the truth of God's love while ignoring what He hates, and God hates sin.
His love pours out as the remedy for sin that holds mankind in bondage. Repentance is still the answer. Repentance, being baptized, and receiving the Holy Spirit in the old fashioned way is still the answer. However, there is no need for repentance if the Pastor exemplifies the lifestyle and sin that you are in. So why should you have a repentant heart? You can say God loves everyone all you want, but that separates you from yours and others sins. A life for a life, one on one, everyone will get their turn. Use yours wisely.
Thank you for your continued viewing and reading. If this Blog and its contents have been a blessing to you, then I ask, with God's leading, that you consider supporting Artesian Well Church.
Artesian Well Church
6031 Linden Avenue
Long Beach, CA
Talk to you soon,
Pastor Norman
All your groups and your church doctrines have just about stripped the body of Christ of supernatural power and love. So many are interested in circling the world with false love and tolerance for others beliefs and religions excluding the two true one's. They think that by not offending the evil doers and allowing them to stay with no judgment, or biblical challenges they will join and support your churches. They will come and maybe get some saved, but they will be converted, but take over. From the heads of the organization, to the saints working in the ministry of helps, calling it compassion, you have become the doorkeepers of sin. Allowing entrance into the body of Christ with no resistance from those with the word of God.
Many church leaders today would say the ones who are standing against this invasion of sin and sinners into the Church are mean spirited, and have no love, but are filled with hate and phobias. You have the answer just leave them alone, and God will fix it L.O.L.
When your group begins to think they are saviors because they say they are the only ones who have the truth many are by-passing sound biblical logic. The Gospels say Jesus Christ, himself is the truth, the way, and the light (life). Jesus himself is the head of the Church. He has set in the Church, Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, and Pastors who teach. To stay the course, He has setup in the Church for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body, so He can see the same fullness He has in His vision for that body. He has equipped it to do the hard stuff the devil would come to change the image God has for us.
Leaders today want to be liked so badly they will use those who openly have lifestyles that the world covers as okay, even against their own knowledge of the Word of God. Many are placed in offices of judgment over saints conduct and biblical truth. These sorcerers bring much financial gain to the organization with their preaching and music. They are able to move freely among the people of God because the sheep who follow them see in them the freedom to co-mingle with those who are involved in the same lustful desires and sin. If you follow this you will have little leadership into the life of holiness that the pure Word of God demands. For without it no man will understand the Lord's plan.
Christians cannot ignore parts of God's Word because there are unpopular passages, or they might cause division. Our commission is to proclaim Christ and all He stands for. This is what the Church's presence in the world is all about. We cannot sincerely proclaim the truth of God's love while ignoring what He hates, and God hates sin.
His love pours out as the remedy for sin that holds mankind in bondage. Repentance is still the answer. Repentance, being baptized, and receiving the Holy Spirit in the old fashioned way is still the answer. However, there is no need for repentance if the Pastor exemplifies the lifestyle and sin that you are in. So why should you have a repentant heart? You can say God loves everyone all you want, but that separates you from yours and others sins. A life for a life, one on one, everyone will get their turn. Use yours wisely.
Thank you for your continued viewing and reading. If this Blog and its contents have been a blessing to you, then I ask, with God's leading, that you consider supporting Artesian Well Church.
Artesian Well Church
6031 Linden Avenue
Long Beach, CA
Talk to you soon,
Pastor Norman
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