Witchcraft and Spiritual Warfare Attacks

The spiritual warfare attacks against you are often referred to as witchcraft attacks.  Witchcraft attacks have nothing to do with Wicca, New Age mysticism, or the religion of witchcraft.  All these are forbidden according to the Word of God.  "For all that do these things are an abomination (meaning vile, loathsome, and disgusting) unto the Lord" (Deuteronomy 18:12).  Witchcraft in this context is the spiritual force that Christians feel when under demonic attack.  These kinds of spiritual attacks can be identified like strong confusion, wanting to give up and quit, and depression.

At other times there are people that release witchcraft assignments against you through the power of words or controlling actions. A power which I believe to be the most powerful in the universe.  For example, the spirit of you.  Witchcraft even separates and isolates its victims from friends and family.  One that is being spiritually attacked often feels the loss of personal identity and self-esteem.  Depression and fatigue can follow as the Controller, like Jezebel, gives abnormal attention t those it desires to manipulate.

Examples of spiritual witchcraft attacks include having the life drained out of you, controllers, diversions, and soul ties.

Draining Attacks

Witchcraft attacks drain strength and energy.  Fatigue is often experienced during a witchcraft attack.  Witchcraft attacks drain the life right out of you.  When attacked, you feel tired, depressed, oppressed, and fatigued.  You can take vitamins, exercise, run and it still doesn't  help.  Have you noticed how many people go to work tired all the time?  They have cups of coffee in the morning just to begin work.  Could some of them be suffering from a witchcraft assignment.

Others feel sad, sleep all the time, feel trapped in depression and can't get out.  What I used to think was simply stress-related I now suspect to be t he indication of demonic assignments.  There have been times, for example, when faced with extreme stress that leaving the city limits caused a relief.  I am not ruling out the effects of stress but if you know the fatigue is not medical or stress related, could it be a witchcraft?

There have been other times when I one is well rested, in great health, and everything is good, but there is weariness.  There are other times when preaching on certain subjects like Jezebel, spiritual warfare, and religious spirits that I am fighting against spiritual retaliation. To identify if witchcraft has been released in your life, then you should ask:
  • When in prayer, do you get sick or have headaches?
  • Have you ever gotten ill after a confrontation with someone who was spiritually contending with you?
  • Do you feel tired when you shouldn't?
  • Are your emotions on a roller coaster?
  • Do you suffer depression?
  • Have you experienced spiritual retaliations against you?
  • Are you having a lot of warfare against your mind?

Witchcraft attacks originate from somewhere because of the actions of somebody.  Words are spoken against you, for example, release demonic assignments that attack your life.  Sometimes witchcraft attacks come from those people you know that are controllers.  Controllers will waste your time.  What they do is spend abnormal amounts of time such as:
  • The person who consumes all their friends' spare time.
  • The boy who smothers his girlfriend with inordinate attention.
  • The believer that wants to meet with the pastor each week to talk about the same old same old.
  • The friend that never goes home.
  • The parent that won't let their adult son or daughter make a decision without their input.
  • The bible study teacher that won't let you study the bible for yourself.
Witchcraft will go out of the way to control and waste your time.  It's not natural, it's spiritual.  Scripture says, "Withdraw thy foot from thy neighbor's house; lest he be weary of thee, and so hate thee" (Proverbs 25:17).  In the local church, we can sometime (not always) see the spirit of witchcraft operating through the person who wants to hold a deep spiritual conversation with you or the pastor prior to service.  Witchcraft spirits and religious spirits come to attack you in spiritual warfare.  To understand and identify controllers ask the following:
  • Is there someone who spends abnormal amount of time with you either in person or on the telephone?
  • Is there anyone who continually consumes or desires your time, especially when you should be in church?
  • Have you ever noticed the person who wants to have a spiritual conversation with you during the most reverent time of church service?
  • Do you feel like you can't even think on your own after being around this person?

When Controllers get caught they try and divert your attention away from them. I'm sure you have seen this diversion in action.  Witchcraft is a master at diverting attention away from itself by turning it toward you.  It makes others think that you are the one with the problem.  You're not!  People operating in witchcraft are masters at taking the focus off of them whenever they are about to be discovered.  They shift the blame rather than taking the responsibility for their wrongs.

Those operating in witchcraft think they never do anything wrong.  When caught, they say there is nothing to repent for.  They say, "I have done nothing wrong." Or, " I did what I thought was right. I don't have anything to feel sorry for."  They never manifest any true repentance or humility.  Whatever humility they may present is false, fake, and used only as a tool to manipulate you.  Superficial repentance is a common witchcraft deception.  Beware of their motives because witchcraft never examines itself.  If this is occurring, then you may want to think about the following:
  • Does anyone make you feel that everything is your fault when you know it's not?
  • Do you know someone that feels like they have not done anything wrong after they have abused you?
  • Do they always blame their problems on you?
  • Have people told you they were sorry but you knew they weren't ?
Controllers operate in witchcraft and many times have no ideal what they are doing.  You can sometimes spot a pattern among these people because they do such things as seeking legitimate fronts to hide their agendas.  The spirit of witchcraft seeks a legitimate front.  To look good, those operating in witchcraft surround themselves with men and women of character.  They try to associate themselves with credible people and others with good reputations in an attempt to make it look like they're a part of the group. Simon, a sorcerer, for example, joined Philip's ministry team in Samaria (Acts 8).  The Apostle Peter discerned Simon's motives and rebuked him.

Soul Ties

Witchcraft uses soul ties to control its victims.  Have you ever heard the word soul ties?  This is what witchcraft wants to create.  If your emotions can be hooked, then they can gain a soul tie with you.  If they can form a soul tie with you, then they can control you.  All abnormal soul ties need to be broken by the power of the Name of Jesus.  There are natural soul ties and abnormal soul ties.

A natural soul tie could be formed if you were involved in plane crash, landed on a remote island with several survivors and helped each other endure.  The result of that accident could lead to a positive emotional bonding.  That's a healthy bonding because everybody successfully went through a great trial together.

When you have sexual relations with someone there is a soul tie (emotional bonding) that generates because two flesh become one (Genesis 2:24).  Sexual relations in marriage generate a healthy soul tie, while sexual relations outside of marriage crate healthy soul ties.

There are times when people have lost their children through some unfortunate accident.  Just being there with them has formed an emotional soul tie.  In essence, there are some good soul ties that bring stability into a person's life to help get them through something.  Then there are soul ties used solely for the purpose of manipulation, control and selfish gain.  If this is occurring, then you may want to think about the following:
  • Have you ever been emotionally bonded with someone who used that bonding to control or manipulate you?
  • Have you met the person who tries to make himself or herself look important through the use of other peoples' reputations?
  • Do you feel like you can't make personal decisions without asking this person first?
  • Do you know anyone who insinuates they are part of an organization through namedropping?

Thank you for your continued viewing and reading.  If this Blog and its contents have been a blessing to you, then I ask, with God's leading, that you consider supporting Artesian Well Church.

Talk to you soon,
Pastor Norman

Artesian Well Church
6031 Linden Avenue
Long Beach, Ca


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