Jezebel, Sex, and the Spirit of Whoredom
The spirit of Jezebel doesn't work alone, she has a network. This spirit is the most wicked of spirits. Historically, the rise and fall of spiritual power within the Church of Christ Jesus has been related to the acknowledgement and opposition toward demonic principalities and powers. When church leaders tell you what you can read, who you can and cannot fellowship with because you are with the only ones who have the truth you must run for the door and find deliverance in the Gifts of the Spirit, and the total word of God. One of the strongest spirits that begin to distort the Word of God is that which changes your stand on moral, and family issues. Remember no one has ever saved anyone without Jesus' ministry, and no one has ever delivered anyone but by the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit. If this is not enough, they say they are operating under the authority, and anointing of the ministry of Jesus. The spirit of whoredom and Jezebel work with a network of demon spirits to steal, kill, and destroy life, marriage, family, and your ministry. Your success depends on your ability to see this spirit's operations. You can't fight what you can't see. Let me give you just two points to take a look.
First, you must consider and ask where does your money go in the Jezebel controlled ministries? It always goes to worldly excessive over spending. The spirit of material gluttony is at work. Along these same lines they say that they are getting the word out by financing entertainment of all kinds such as through movies that make fun of the family, churches and men. Second, and to me one of the most important, they attack the family structure. People say it's common knowledge that demonic spirits go after the Pastor, but that's far from being the only truth. The Pastor that is truly doing all he can to work the vision and word of God for the ministry he is assigned, these demonic spirits hit below the belt and attack the Pastor's wife, children, and grandchildren.
The cowardly and the spiritually immature are easy subjects used by Satan for this work. This is how the yoke of bondage is placed on the Pastor and his ministry. Every church should be involved in spirit warfare. Not just the come-by-here pray style we see and here in the church today but challenging the devil on field of battle before he makes the Church the field of battle. For some religious folks, the Christian must take the fight to his behind, and put him on the defensive.
Jesus did not ignore demon power and he didn't teach his apostles to ignore or deny their existence. The Apostle Paul pulled the natural curtain back to see what really goes on in the spiritual realm. He taught the church in Ephesus how to battle an unseen spirit saying, "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armor of God (Because you "sho" gonna need it) that you may be able to stand against he wiles of the devil. For we wrestle "not" against flesh and blood, but against the rulers of the darkness this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. He uses willing humans who find it to their advantage to allow these spirits to use their souls. Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God that "you" may be able to withstand (fight back) in the evil day, and having done all, to stand everyday (Ephesians 6:10-13).
Warrior saints who stand wear armor, not just talk a good fight. Armor is for the fighting man. Talk is cheap, it goes along with religious options. Like the Apostle Paul you will fight many spiritual battles including those released by the Jezebel spirit. She comes in the power to accept lust, and sexual demons. You may not engage in a certain sexual activity, but you do have a desire maybe to see more freedom to operate in your sexual choices.
Behold, I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you (Luke 10:19). When leaders ignore this "dark ruler" believers and the Church suffer. Either these pastors operate in self-ignorance of the Word of God, just ego deceived, or just plain "stupid". They forget the saints are not like others. We will not ignore Jezebel. You will be lead to somewhere where you can learn how to stop the Jezebel spirit.
The Whoredom spirit is a worldly spirit
A loyal person is true hearted and steadfast in allegiance, in other words faithful. Jezebel has no faithful qualities, but her crowd; she demands that those under her control must submit to her even to making excuses for sin. This is an earthly, carnal, and sensuous spirit that's not afraid to use sex to create the "most dangerous of soul ties." Soul ties are those strings that the Jezebel spirit uses to ties you to it. They can be physical, emotional, and spiritual.
The children of Jezebel are full of rebellion, and whoredom (I Samuel 15:23). Jezebel will not allow Holy Spirit spiritual fathers to parent or change what she considers her children. She really desires to use those who are deceived into letting them function, be promoted, and given leadership titles. She has setup a way to get these whoredom spirits in the very seat of authority in weak carnal denominations. These groups say they have all they need through counsel, and a little prayer and love to get these folks free. If the foxes are in charge of the hen house, there will be chicken dinner every night.
When Jezebel is allowed unfettered freedom her sins lead to a church, or churches which is happening now to be full of wickedness. Do not prostitute thy daughter to cause her to be a whore; lest the land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of wickedness (Leviticus 19:29). Spirits reproduce themselves. Whoredom produce more whoredom.
Seduce, Capture and Control
Jezebel cannot control you without first seducing you. "Seduction is a spiritual force" released by the whoredom spirit. The sensual enticements come in many ways especially through flattery (Proverbs 6:24-26).
I am writing this blog so I can get some sleep. Staying up every night sometimes all night. I am angry at what Satan is doing to many churches, pastors, leaders, ministries, and denominations. All are being destroyed by willing helpers of Satan in too many denominations thinking they can save and deliver just like Jesus.
In closing, I would like the God of heaven to release the angels of heaven to make war, and stop the destroying angels from leading people who are mightily used of the devil to go from church to church, city to city bringing strife, and moral down fall in the ministries of Jesus Christ. Some might say Jesus can stop that from happening. That is very true but only when we want it to stop. We might have to give the new gatekeepers a rest and replace them with strong men of God. We need some men who are willing to fall on their sword for the cause of Christ, and the preserving of the body. Please don't make it prolonged by options, and religious saying. It's time to confess the "Word of God" one to another, encouraging each other in love and unity.
Thank you for your continued viewing and reading. If this Blog and its contents have been a blessing to you, then I ask, with God's leading, that you consider supporting Artesian Well Church.
Pastor James P. Norman Jr.
First, you must consider and ask where does your money go in the Jezebel controlled ministries? It always goes to worldly excessive over spending. The spirit of material gluttony is at work. Along these same lines they say that they are getting the word out by financing entertainment of all kinds such as through movies that make fun of the family, churches and men. Second, and to me one of the most important, they attack the family structure. People say it's common knowledge that demonic spirits go after the Pastor, but that's far from being the only truth. The Pastor that is truly doing all he can to work the vision and word of God for the ministry he is assigned, these demonic spirits hit below the belt and attack the Pastor's wife, children, and grandchildren.
The cowardly and the spiritually immature are easy subjects used by Satan for this work. This is how the yoke of bondage is placed on the Pastor and his ministry. Every church should be involved in spirit warfare. Not just the come-by-here pray style we see and here in the church today but challenging the devil on field of battle before he makes the Church the field of battle. For some religious folks, the Christian must take the fight to his behind, and put him on the defensive.
Jesus did not ignore demon power and he didn't teach his apostles to ignore or deny their existence. The Apostle Paul pulled the natural curtain back to see what really goes on in the spiritual realm. He taught the church in Ephesus how to battle an unseen spirit saying, "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armor of God (Because you "sho" gonna need it) that you may be able to stand against he wiles of the devil. For we wrestle "not" against flesh and blood, but against the rulers of the darkness this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. He uses willing humans who find it to their advantage to allow these spirits to use their souls. Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God that "you" may be able to withstand (fight back) in the evil day, and having done all, to stand everyday (Ephesians 6:10-13).
Warrior saints who stand wear armor, not just talk a good fight. Armor is for the fighting man. Talk is cheap, it goes along with religious options. Like the Apostle Paul you will fight many spiritual battles including those released by the Jezebel spirit. She comes in the power to accept lust, and sexual demons. You may not engage in a certain sexual activity, but you do have a desire maybe to see more freedom to operate in your sexual choices.
Behold, I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you (Luke 10:19). When leaders ignore this "dark ruler" believers and the Church suffer. Either these pastors operate in self-ignorance of the Word of God, just ego deceived, or just plain "stupid". They forget the saints are not like others. We will not ignore Jezebel. You will be lead to somewhere where you can learn how to stop the Jezebel spirit.
The Whoredom spirit is a worldly spirit
A loyal person is true hearted and steadfast in allegiance, in other words faithful. Jezebel has no faithful qualities, but her crowd; she demands that those under her control must submit to her even to making excuses for sin. This is an earthly, carnal, and sensuous spirit that's not afraid to use sex to create the "most dangerous of soul ties." Soul ties are those strings that the Jezebel spirit uses to ties you to it. They can be physical, emotional, and spiritual.
The children of Jezebel are full of rebellion, and whoredom (I Samuel 15:23). Jezebel will not allow Holy Spirit spiritual fathers to parent or change what she considers her children. She really desires to use those who are deceived into letting them function, be promoted, and given leadership titles. She has setup a way to get these whoredom spirits in the very seat of authority in weak carnal denominations. These groups say they have all they need through counsel, and a little prayer and love to get these folks free. If the foxes are in charge of the hen house, there will be chicken dinner every night.
When Jezebel is allowed unfettered freedom her sins lead to a church, or churches which is happening now to be full of wickedness. Do not prostitute thy daughter to cause her to be a whore; lest the land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of wickedness (Leviticus 19:29). Spirits reproduce themselves. Whoredom produce more whoredom.
Seduce, Capture and Control
Jezebel cannot control you without first seducing you. "Seduction is a spiritual force" released by the whoredom spirit. The sensual enticements come in many ways especially through flattery (Proverbs 6:24-26).
I am writing this blog so I can get some sleep. Staying up every night sometimes all night. I am angry at what Satan is doing to many churches, pastors, leaders, ministries, and denominations. All are being destroyed by willing helpers of Satan in too many denominations thinking they can save and deliver just like Jesus.
In closing, I would like the God of heaven to release the angels of heaven to make war, and stop the destroying angels from leading people who are mightily used of the devil to go from church to church, city to city bringing strife, and moral down fall in the ministries of Jesus Christ. Some might say Jesus can stop that from happening. That is very true but only when we want it to stop. We might have to give the new gatekeepers a rest and replace them with strong men of God. We need some men who are willing to fall on their sword for the cause of Christ, and the preserving of the body. Please don't make it prolonged by options, and religious saying. It's time to confess the "Word of God" one to another, encouraging each other in love and unity.
Thank you for your continued viewing and reading. If this Blog and its contents have been a blessing to you, then I ask, with God's leading, that you consider supporting Artesian Well Church.
Pastor James P. Norman Jr.
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