The Healing Ministry (Pt. 3)

Disease is definitely associated with Satan as the Scriptures clearly state (Job 2:7; Acts 10:38).  Many afflictions are indirectly caused by Satan and are more accurately described as oppression which is something different from demon possession.  No evil spirit can possess the soul of the unbelieving, (believer).  Although, if he fails to claim his rights, Satan may oppress his body.  There are many cases in which Christians are oppressed by the enemy, and they need to be loosed from that bondage.  This is clearly shown in the instance in which Christ liberated a daughter of Abraham bound for 18 years (Luke 13:16).  She was the daughter of promise, but Satan had her bound.

Because God gives a man an outstanding ministry of healing, this does not necessarily guarantee that his conduct is always pleasing to God.  Judas evidently had a healing ministry. Acts 1:17 says,
"he obtained part of this ministry."  Yet, he sadly failed, which no one denies.  The fall of Judas, however, in no way invalidated the ministry of healing.  No one can invalidate the ministry of healing, because it stands as a Bible testimony.  To condemn healing because someone who practices it fails is mischievous.  Some ministers who preach salvation fail.  Should we, therefore, condemn salvation?  Divine healing is a reality because God's word says it is.  A thousand miracles cannot make the promise stronger; a thousand failures cannot make it weaker.

Occasionally those opposed to healing will challenge a minister to perform a miracle to prove that they have convinced infidels and skeptics.  We do not find Christ accepting challenges.  He never tried to prove He was a wonder-worker.  Jesus rejected Satan's challenge to perform a miracle by making bread out of stones.  Although later, He provided bread for 5,000.  Her refused to cast Himself down from the temple when the devil suggested that by doing so He could prove that He was the Son of God.  Later, He overruled the power of gravity when He walked on the water to meet His disciples who were in jeopardy on the sea.  When the Pharisees clamored for a "sign from heaven," the Lord refused to grant them one (Matthew 16:1-3).

Christ's healing ministry was based on compassion for the sick and those out of the way rather than providing wonders for skeptics and those who opposed Him.  To the helpless and needy, He ministered His healing power freely.  He did not perform His miracles in a corner where no one could see them.  Although, He never went out of His way to convince skeptics.  A common problem is that chronic seekers who have little faith will rush forward to get to the head of the prayer line.  Their lack of faith may hinder those who follow.  The evangelist or preacher should feel free to minister to those who he sees have faith first.  The Apostle Paul  followed this method (Act 14:9-10).  Building faith in the audience makes it possible for greater miracles to occur. 

When faith reaches a certain point, it may be possible to pray a mass prayer in which many are healed at the time.  At all healing services, ample opportunity should be given for sinners to accept Christ.  In such meetings, there have been many hundreds who respond to a single invitation.

The afflicted are ever with us.  When the news gets around that the sick are being healed, new people will be coming to the services.  It is indeed significant that many pastors in the historic churches are now conducting regular healing services with reports of outstanding results.

I thank you for your continued viewing and reading.  If this Blog and its contents have been a blessing to you, then I ask, with God's leading, that you consider supporting Artesian Well Church.

Talk to you soon,
Pastor Norman
Artesian Well Church


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