Imputation of Adam's Sin to His Posterity

We have seen that all mankind are sinners, and that the transgression of our first parents, so far as respect to the human race, was the first sin.  We have still to consider the connection between Adam's sin the depravity, guilt, and condemnation of the race.

Scriptures teach that the transgression of our first parents as progenitors meant that future generations or their posterity are sinners.  So that Adam's sin was charged to every member of the human race of which he was the germ and head (Romans 5:16 - the judgement came of one [offence] unto condemnation).  It is because of Adam's sin that we are born depraved and subject to God's penal inflictions.  Two questions demand answers, first, how can we be responsible for a depraved nature, which we did not personally and consciously originate, and secondly, how can God justly charge to our account the sin of the first "Daddy" of the human race?  The scriptures intimate the true answer to the problem when they declare that "in Adam all die" (I Corinthians 15:22) and that death passed unto all men, for that all sinned when through one man sin entered into the world" (Romans 5:12). In other words, Adam's sin is the cause and the grounds for depravity, guilt, and condemnation of all his posterity simply because Adam and his posterity are one, and, by virtue of their organic unity, the sin of Adam is the sin of the race.

The best measure of the profundity of any religious doctrine is given by its conception of sin and the cure for sin.  We have seen that sin is a state; a state of the will; a selfish state of the will; a selfish state of the will inborn and universal by reason of man's free act.  To connect this with the doctrine, the the steps are as follows:

1. God's holiness is purity of nature.
2. God's law demands purity of nature.
3. Sin is impure nature.
4. All men have this impure nature.
5. Adam originated this impure nature.
6. Adam and we are one.
7. The guild and penalty of Adam's sin are ours.

According as we regard this twofold problem from the the point of view of the abnormal human condition, or of the problem of imputation.  Neither of these terms is objectionable when its meaning is defined.  By imputation of sin, we mean not the arbitrary and mechanical charging to a man of a guilt which is properly his own, whether by virtue of his individual acts, or by virtue of his connection with the race. By original sin, we mean that participation in the common sin of the race with which God charges us, in virtue of our descent from Adam, its first father and head.

You should not permit my use of the term imputation to be hindered or prejudiced by the fact that certain schools of theology, notably the ones who against scriptural teaching want to use the slick term inclusive to allow the father of all sexual lust to enter in thinking they have an answer to sin.  They have attached to it an arbitrary, external, and mechanical meaning -- holding that God imputes sin to men, not because they are sinners, but upon the grounds of a legal fiction whereby Adam, without their consent, was made their representative.  We shall see, on the contrary, that (1) Adam's sin was imputed to us, (2) Our sins were imputed to Christ, and (3) Christ's righteousness imputed to the believer.  There is a realistic basis for the imputation, namely, a real union, between Adam and his descendents, between Christ and the human race, and between believers and Christ.  Thus it gives in each case a community of life, and enables us to say that God imputes to no man what does not properly belong to him.

There is a point now I need to place here, which is "Group Stupidity."  This did not occur just with the saints within Scripture, but those in modern contemporary society also have imputed to themselves the sins of others, of their people, of their times, of the whole world.

We are becoming like the demons of the man called Legion who's demons went over the cliff with the pigs.  Our country is on a campaign to spread sexual sins throughout the whole world whether they want them or not. The phrase solidarity of humanity is a very old one, but the working are growing everyday in depth and significance.  Thus putting humanity itself as a religion, cutting out Christianity and it's biblical principles out of our nation.

In some church communities the problem of personal sin is covered with the term "grace", which to them means keep on going and let grace as a doctrine take care of it.  The problem of evil indeed demands the presence of free will in the world; while, on the other hand, it is equally true that no moral world whatever can be made consistent with the realistic thesis according to which free will agents are, in fortune and in penalty, independent of the deeds of other moral agents.  It follows suffering, just because their lives have no independent being, but are linked with all life -- God himself also sharing in their suffering.

God cannot change what is written in the Bible because He had sealed it as His written word.  He said it Himself that He cannot lie.  If He stands for any of it, then He stands for all of it.

There are two fundamental principles which the Scriptures already cited seem clearly to substantiate, and which other Scriptures corroborate.  First, man's relations to moral law extends beyond the sphere of conscious and actual transgression, and embrace those moral tendencies and qualities of his being which he has in common with every other member of the race.  Second, God's moral government is a government which not only takes account of persons and personal acts, but also recognizes race responsibilities and inflicts race-penalties; or, in other words, judges mankind, not simply as a collection of separate individuals, but also as an organic whole, which can collectively revolt from God and enter the curse of the violated moral laws between men and women.

What is happening now in many circles of the American church and other places is the allowance for  sexual sins church community without stopping the sin, or changing its name.  Silence is the same as saying yes.  Without sin there is no Satan.  There is no evil.  Without righteousness there is no Christ.  Without the clarity of Scripture there is not need for the Church.

I thank you for your continued viewing and reading.  If this Blog and its contents have been a blessing to you, then I ask, with God's leading, that you consider supporting Artesian Well Church.

Talk to you soon,
Pastor James P. Norman Jr.

Artesian Well Church
6031 Linden Avenue
Long Beach, Ca


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