Sufferings: The Greatest Deception Against the Believer

If Christ and the gospel cannot save from sin and suffering, and deliver one from it’s power and dominion, then all men are sinners and all will go to hell. If there is no power in Christianity to make men live free from sin and to make them different from sinners, then there is no difference and all are lost because of sinful lives. If the gospel does not provide healing for the body and help in financial problems, and suffering that come from this world, and it systems, Christians would have no greater blessing than do sinners. So of what benefit is the gospel? If all promises in the bible are lies and God did not mean what He said, then the bible should be thrown away and rejected as a rule of faith and practice. If God will not answer prayers when His people need Him, then they are no better off than sinners. Sin, sickness and poverty are not God’s will. Suffering is not God’s way to get your attention. If you will come to Him in Faith, the journey in which you come, you are being trained, not tested. You were created to be a worshiper not a sinner, or to suffer.

The devil is the arch enemy of your soul. He is determined to see you burn in hell if at all possible, and he had just as soon send you to hell from the church as from the gutter! Yes, saints, the devil had just as soon send you to hell from the church as from skid row.

God Gives a Solemn Warning Against Deception
For false Christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. Matt 24:24

Thank God for that clause. If it were possible.

Never believe that you are too big for the devil to attack. He stood up in the face of God attempted to overthrow the Almighty (Isaiah 14). He tried three times to deceive the Lord Jesus and lead Him astray (Matt 4) The devil has had thousands of years experience in damning souls, and he is a master-craftsman in the art of deceit. 

I have identified eight major ways the devil deceives, which I post next.

In Him,
Pastor Norman


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