Becoming in the church
Psalms 93: 5 is about holiness and testimonies. The term holiness is used here of the word of God in its various Revelations of Truth. Holiness became thy House.
An example is the behavior of aged women.
According to Titus 2:3-4 aged women can be great examples of Holiness.
Titus 2:3-4 5 Age women not necessarily aged in years but in the Lord.
verse 4 that they may teach these young women
Verse 5 to be discreet
Meditate on the following scriptures on the Character of God regarding Holiness:
Leviathan.19:2 Speak
1 Peter 1:15-16 So be ye holy
Ephesians 5:12 Followers of God
Mimetes in the Greek means imitators; mimic the gait, speech, accent, and manner of life of another. It means Care to imitate God as children do their parents-- imitate his acts, words, nature, ways graces, and Spirit.
Character of Christ
Romans 8:29 work together, while all things are working, God's providence is working in behalf of them who love God and who walk obediently according to His purpose.
Chastisement are intended to produce Holiness in the Saints
Hebrews 12:10 Few days, even earthly parents chasten for only a few days, shall we believe that God is less loving. Is God one to continue chastening after obedience has been learned? Paul is here showing that God is a better parent than men.
that this is the object of all the chastening ( child training) and the correction of God.
His Holiness, not the man kind that sets up human standards of dress and outward appearance which creates pride and false humility and gender strife among Saints. God's emphasis is on inward holiness; while man’s is on outward appearance.
James 1:2-3
The "fall into" is to be caught by divers temptations, trials, and attacks. You must put to proof; examine; and question those temptations. It can be a trial or temptation of any kind, not necessarily temptations to sin. Trials test doctrine and faith and the man who stands true in them proves that his doctrine is sound and his faith is genuine.
An example of holiness
Hebrews 7:26
Who is Holy;
Harmless; simply without evil.
Undefiled; here it means that He had no bodily imperfections and nothing low, or unbecoming in his life and conduct.
Separate from sinners; he lived a perfect life not being unequally yoked together with sinners in their sinful ways
Made higher than the heavens He was more exalted then angels and all other created beings of Heaven
I Peter 2:21-22
Christians are called to experience and endure hardships thus following Christ.
Leaving us an example
Sufferings or experiences
Love, when being mocked
Patience in threatening
Resignation to God.
These below scriptures show how some Prophets such as Abraham walked in the Steps of faith :
1. Abraham (Romans 4:12}
2. Paul and Titus (2 Corinthians. 12:1)
3. Follow the steps of Jesus Christ ( I Peter 2:21-22)
Christ was the only sinless human being that ever lived. Mary was a sinner, for she rejoiced in God her savior. There is no hint in Scripture that she had an immaculate conception. If she did then her parents had to be sinless, and their parents back to Adam. On the contrary, all men are born in sin aside from Christ, for He is the only one without a human father.
Desires for his people
John 17:17
Sanctify so that you may separate from a profane to a sacred use; to consecrate self wholly to God and His service. The primary meaning is separation not making holy. It means to make holy only when the person or thing that is sanctified needs to be cleaned from sin or defilement in order to be fit to be separated unto God and his service.
Effects in his people
Ephesians 5:25- 27
Verse 25= the church:
Christ is the head of the church
Christ is the savior of it
The Church must be subject to Christ in all things
Christ gave Himself for it
Christ Sanctified the church by the washing by the word
Christ cleanses the church by the washing by the word
Christ will receive the church to Himself
Christ is making the church glorious
Christ is making it spotless
Christ is making it perfect
Christ is making it holy
Christ is making it faultless
Christ nourishes it
Christ cherishes the church, warms it in his bosom
the church is a part of Christ
the church's one with Christ
the receiver of the church
In short make yourselves Holy as God would require. Read the scriptures included in this Holiness blog. Begin to look more and more like God. His desire is for you to do so.
Be sure to read part 2 and 3 on Holiness.
Thank you for your support,
Dr. James P. Norman Jr.
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