Holiness Becoming in the church Psalms 93: 5 is about holiness and testimonies. The term holiness is used here of the word of God in its various Revelations of Truth. Holiness became thy House. An example is the behavior of aged women. According to Titus 2:3-4 aged women can be great examples of Holiness. Titus 2:3-4 5 Age women not necessarily aged in years but in the Lord. verse 4 that they may teach these young women Verse 5 to be discreet Character of God Meditate on the following scriptures on the Character of God regarding Holiness: Leviathan.19:2 Speak 1 Peter 1:15-16 So be ye holy Ephesians 5:12 Followers of God Mimetes in the Greek means imitators; mimic the gait, speech, accent, and manner of life of another. It means Care to imitate God as children do their parents-- imitate his acts, words, nature, ways graces, and Spirit. Character of Christ Romans 8:29 work together, while all things are work...