He that hath the Son has life (Zoe)! Zoe is life in the Greek. He that does not have the Son of God is without that life, he is dead. The Lord Jesus came, to raise the dead. “I come”, said He, that you might have exactly what dead men need - life. In the resurrection as described in His conversation with Nicodemis, He describes a new birth, a spiritual regeneration that took place for the first time in all human history. This on the grounds of the redemptive act at Pentecost, when our Risen Lord came for the first time to inhabit the humanity of 120 men and women.

At His command they were waiting for that inducement with power from on high that could be theirs only in the presence of a person that could abolish death and impart to them all the dynamics of Christ’s divine indwelling. He was born in humanity like told in the book of Hebrews. He assumed flesh and blood sanctifying himself. He presented his body, his soul and His spirit in the totality of His being as man. He became holy unto His Father God. Without whom, He said, “I could do nothing”. Now in sanctifying himself in this way, presenting to His Father his Body, soul and Spirit, the Lord Jesus deliberately submitted himself to the criteria of the man's humanity.

The Father, who lives in me, does the work. I’ve given him my body, soul, mind, emotions, my will, and my human spirit. So that He in the person of the Holy Spirit may invade my soul that I walk as one being full of the Holy Ghost. I am told what to do by my Father, and I do that which I am told.

In Revelations 4:11 you and I as men were created to please God. You and I were not created to please ourselves; we constantly insist that we please ourselves. How many times have we said that? Better yet how many times did the Lord Jesus say that? Jesus never said I'll please myself - never, never, ever. Ro. 15:3 says “For even Christ”. What does “even Christ” mean? Well, he just happened to be God. Of His own free will, He was playing the role of man.

He didn’t send me out into this world to do my own thing, because in John 5:19 & John 5:30 - without my Father, I can do as much as a man was ever engineered to do apart from God - nothing. In comes the nature of Faith the key word through all this is still responsibility. We must make ourselves disciplined even when we don’t totally understand what God’s word is doing all the time, but we know that it is Him.

Even Christ pleased not Himself. How important do you imagine you are? How smart do you think you are? If Jesus Christ, as God, playing the role of man, never, never could please himself you can’t either. Why couldn't he please himself? Wasn't he God? Yes! But though never ever less than God, he came deliberately into this world to play the role as though he were never ever more than man. He as God created man to please God, so the Lord Jesus couldn't be true to his Humanity unless he was prepared at all times to please only one person - his Father. Even Christ pleased not himself, because man was created to please God.

Thank you for reading! Remember to share, like, discuss and pray!

Dr. James P. Norman Jr.


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