Amplified Bible: Psalms 14:1-2
Verse 1 -
The [empty-headed] fool has said in his heart [deep down in], there is no God. They’re corrupt, they have done abominable deeds; there is none that does good or right. [Romans 3:10].
Verse 2 -
The Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men to see if there were any who understood, dealt wisely, and sought after God. Inquiring for and of Him requiring Him. [of vital necessity.]
Truth: Gk. Alethia
The reality lying at the basis of an appearance; the manifested, veritable, essence of a matter; gives the correct rendering, the meaning is not merely ethical truth but truth in all its fullness and scope, as embodied in Him He is the perfect expression of the truth.
There is only one way to do this and that's God’s Way.
God wished there weren’t any in his church, and sometimes hoped there were none at all. The atheist could not raze out the notion of a deity in his mind, but he neglected the God in His heart, and Jesus’ Word in his heart. The atheist made it too much his business to deface and blot out those characters of God in his soul, which had been left under the ruins of original sin nature.
Men may have atheistic hearts but with atheistic heads many of them will end up as heads of church groups and denominations. Their reasons may defend the notions of a deity, while their hearts are empty of affection to the deity, as well as to church members at large. Job’s children may do rebellious things in their hearts, though not with their lips. The serpent poison may taste like honey but it is deadly.
He may deny some essential attributes of God, or the exercise of a attribute in the world. He that denies any essential attribute, may be said to deny the being of God. To many say that many scriptures are not really important. Understanding and Will are essential to both those natures; there could neither be an anger nor man without them. The apostle tells us (Eph. 2:12), that the gentiles were without God in the world. So, in some sense all unbelievers may be termed atheists; for rejecting the Mediator (Jesus) appointed by God.
This is pointed out in those who do not give worship to God. Those are the ones who worship many gods in churches in a false and superstitious manner, they have no right conceptions of God, nor intend an adoration of him according to the excellency of his nature as God of all.
To all those that are unconcerned for any particular religion fall under this character: though they own a God in general, yet are willing to acknowledge and god that shall be coined by the powers under whom they live. Mixing these gods into the church preaching and teaching at the same time.
Atheism should not be natural in the church of the fruits of the Spirit, but by a corrupted soul. It is against nature, as nature came out of the hand of God; but even Christian nature has been made universally common, as nature has been sophisticated and infected by the serpent’s breath. Many people today learn all they know on the fly going from church to church. Most are only interested in being entertained and feel good messages. He is not common as men are in this condition. As agreeable to corrupt nature as the disowning the being of God is contrary to common reason. God is not denied!
It is universally natural: the Wicked are estranged from the womb (Psa. 58:3). They go astray as soon as they are born. With this in mind, there are issues that run deep in the nature of humans. The character must be allowed to be trained by “the Fruits of the Spirit,” (your spirit) as a part of the New Birth. Only “Hard Will Choices” will expose this in man. This must be evident in the preacher, or taught in a way so they can do the work of the ministry. They would need this in them so they are able to deal with the Atheist Spirit as it comes in and out of ministries. Some go astray from the rule of their creation as soon as they get into ministry.
Atheism can be fundamentally in all men, though there may be a stronger restraint by a divine hand upon some men than upon others. This principle runs through the whole stream of nature. This is what makes it hard from time to time to dig it out in out ministries. There may be atheistic characteristics in the church saints that may be still common to each Pastor. It becomes hard to identify because it may have our same hand prints on it. The natural bent of every man’s heart is distant from God. When we attempt anything pleasing to God it is like the climbing up a hill, against nature. When anything is displeasing to him, it is like a current running down the channel in its natural course. When we attempt anything that is an acknowledgement of the holiness of God, we are slow to rush, with arms in our hands, through a multitude of natural passions, and fight the way through the oppositions of our own sensitive appetite.
How softly do we naturally sink down into that which sets us at a greater distance from God! To fill the gap in their lack of tending the whole Word of God, they will use props like music, programs, soft ideas of social issues like race, culture, self-improvement teaching, strong group and denominational meetings. The Word of God reminds us to fear not, be strong in the Lord.
There is no active, potent, efficacious sense of a God by nature (soul). The heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil (Eccl. 8;11). The heart, in the “singular” number, as if there were but one common heart beat in all mankind, and bent, as with one pulse, with a joint consent and force to wickedness, without a sense of the authority of God in the Earth, as if one heart acted in every man in the world. Church has become just one big, small group pleasing people of their own special seekers in individual groups based totally on soul ties.
The distinction in these groups is out in the open if one desires to see it. The church is working in common graces (gifts) bounding and suppressing it; or in special direct graces, killing and crucifying it. It is in everyone either triumphant or militant, raining or deposed. The less man knows about himself no more in church he will seek higher office to justify his standing in God. He becomes somewhat an atheist in his dealings with the people of God. He moves in on God's Holy Territory. No man is any more born with the sensible acknowledgements of God, than he is born with a clear knowledge of the nature of all the stars in the heavens, or plants upon the Earth. It can become dangerous in church when none seek after God. None seek God as his rule, as his end, as his happiness which is it that the minister naturally owes to God, just as you teach that the Saints also owe to God.
He desires no communion with God other than it was set in church course, denomination rules and/or conduct. He places his happiness in anything inferior to God; he prefers everything before him, glorifies everything about him; he thinks what he knows is already good enough. If God wants him to know of any correction in his church habits, or denominations rules he will let them know. So they are free to make adjustments (as it pleases the things around them) to new generations coming in.
They have no desire to hear any truth that conflicts with how they think. These atheist are in and over churches seeking to bring the house into more harmony with the world. Many will say They desire to bring the church into a more receiving place that will not do or say anything that might make anyone in the world feel uncomfortable by identifying sin. The energy of the atheist in the church community desires no effective communion with God; he places his happiness and anything above him; he prefers everything before him he regards not those paths which leads to him; he loves his own filth better than God's holiness; his actions are tinctured and dyed with self, and are void of that respect which is due from him to God.
The noblest faculty of man is his understanding, where in the remaining liniment of the image of God are visible. The highest operation of the faculty which is wisdom is in the judgment of the Spirit of God. It is very important, while it is Earthly and sensual; and the wisdom of the best man is no better by nature; a legend of impure spirits possess it; devilish, as the devil, who, though he believe is a God, yet acts if there were none, sometimes, and wishes he had no superior to prescribe him a principle he must follow, and inflict that punishment upon him the deeds have merited.
So that, notwithstanding the harmony of the world, that presents men not only with the notice of the being of a God but darts into their minds some remarks of his own power and authority that he can as a spiritual leader make changes and justify those changes because it has given him the ability to do for the church what is right, and necessary at the time. So the world will play a big role in the moral, or what is right for the generation.
This answers why there is not the level of salvation, and conversion needed to build the Kingdom of God. There very few places where the excellence of ministry is taught and lived out in the saints. If you think people will follow the world to church, you have it wrong. The world should drive people to the churches. Be not conformed to this world, a mind transformation is needed to realize that all that’s in the world is sin.
There are more biblical sins operating in leading churches than ever before. They think they are bringing in the lost, but in reality they are closing the doors to the church from true seekers who need the Word of God. Harmony is fine but not with evil spirits that you are afraid to offend.
To conclude: though no man, or at least very few, arrive to a round and positive conclusion in their hearts that there is no God, yet there is no man that naturally has in his heart any reverence of God. Ministers today should apply the greatest control over a ministry and that will take some dangerous methods. Biblical methods that will grow and be successful.
Having Atheism in church at the top spoils the Fruit of the Vine. It opens the door to many other types of spirits in the pews. The Negative Space Theory has nothing to do with pessimism and everything to do with looking ahead. The theory focuses on the space around and in between the subject. The subject being what’s the true and the tweeting of the truth where unbelief can develop.
Thank you for your support! I pray for everyone that will read this. Pray for continued support for this blog ministry. Amen.
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Pastor James P. Norman Jr.
Having Atheism in church at the top spoils the Fruit of the Vine. It opens the door to many other types of spirits in the pews. The Negative Space Theory has nothing to do with pessimism and everything to do with looking ahead. The theory focuses on the space around and in between the subject. The subject being what’s the true and the tweeting of the truth where unbelief can develop.
Thank you for your support! I pray for everyone that will read this. Pray for continued support for this blog ministry. Amen.
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Pastor James P. Norman Jr.
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