The Power of Pastors
Pastors have eminence power to represent God.
Pastors stand in the gap between God and man. Jesus is the truth about God, and Jesus is the
power of God to man. God has given to man the power to man war on the
enemies of the church. There is always a band of evil warriors willing to
divide the church on issues no matter small or large (Eph. 16:1-24; 1 Tim. 5:17; Eph. 1:1-23; Ezk. 30).
As churches we really only have one direction to take, that is to go back to the standards which are holiness, righteousness, and sanctification. If we don’t go back to God’s plan we can’t go forward and develop the church to meet the attacks developed by Satan (while for this modern world). As church leaders we have authority to see into the church and must believe that we are involved in Spiritual Warfare. The very morals of the church have been invaded by immoral satanic spirits. We need to change from material, and look to arming the saints for the battle.
As churches we really only have one direction to take, that is to go back to the standards which are holiness, righteousness, and sanctification. If we don’t go back to God’s plan we can’t go forward and develop the church to meet the attacks developed by Satan (while for this modern world). As church leaders we have authority to see into the church and must believe that we are involved in Spiritual Warfare. The very morals of the church have been invaded by immoral satanic spirits. We need to change from material, and look to arming the saints for the battle.
Satan has no authority in your life if the plan of God is in the church you attend. Even if the attacks are to comply to the demands of the world and to yield to Satan’s plans and
activities. Pick up the blood
stained banner. There is no title or promotion that is worth giving up God. You
will lose some material, or even family positions.
We should imitate Jesus to become that same light. We must go through him. Better yet we should let his light go through us). Jesus is the only savior period, no contest. Minister’s of the Gospel are just echo’s of the words that are given to us by training and revelation. Double-minded means two or more minds trying to think and speak at the same time, on the same subject. Smart doesn’t mean anything one way or another with God but the Devil has ways of using it through our egos (mind element promotion). The devil wrote the book on smart. The "me" and "I" Ministers must stop telling people what God meant for today and tell them what God says and that God never changes. As Ministers it is sometimes hard to tell sheep what a hard line God Draws.
God is looking for a remnant that will stand no matter
what. It does not matter how strong the enemy will try to come in. The Lord will
lift up the stand, he will lift the standard to protect us (Heb. 6:1-2; Luke 6:48).
In 1 Corinthians 3:11-15 Paul makes it clear this is a judgement not on
salvation but on obedience and works. One thought immediately emerges from contrasting
these two categories: quality is of infinitely greater importance to God than
quantity. Gold, silver, and precious stones are all things
that are normally found in small quantities but are nevertheless of greater
value. Wood, hay, and straw are all things that take up much space and are
obtainable in large quantities but are relatively little value. When it comes to the assessment of believer’s works, these are placed by Paul in one of two categories. On the one hand these are “gold, silver, precious stones.” On the other hand there are “wood, hay, straw.” The basis on which these two categories are separated from each other is the ability to stand the test of fire. The items in the first category - gold, silver, precious stones - will be able to pass through the fire without being consumed. The items in the second category - wood, hay, straw - will be consumed in the fire.
Just what is this fire by which the works of
Christians will be tried? Let us remember that the glorified Christ will be
sitting upon His judgement seat and that each one of us will stand directly
before Him. We shall see Him as John saw Him in his vision on the Island of
Patmos (Rev. 1:9).
In this vision Christ’s feet are like fine brass in a
burning furnace typifying the fires of tribulation in which he will judge the
sinful acts of the ungodly. while His eyes “like a flame of fire” typify the
penetrating and consuming insight with which He will assess the work of His own
believing people. In the fiery rays of those eyes, as each one stands before
His judgement seat, all that is base and insincere will be instantly and
eternally consumed. Only that which is of true and enduring value will survive, be purified and refined by fire.When I got saved and began ministering I began to live by this teaching standard. For no other foundation can anyone lay than which is laid which is Jesus Christ (Rev. 1:14-15).
This judgement concerns only those who have
built their faith not upon their own works or their own righteousness but upon
the foundation of Jesus Christ and His righteousness. So long as their faith
remains unmoved upon this foundation, their souls are eternally safe (1 Cor. 3:11-15).
In closing my fellow church heads you keep
messing around with many of facts of biblical absolutes you’ll be in trouble
with God. When you stand before God some of the things you have said and done
you won’t be able to talk your way out of.
If you didn’t start it, you allowed it and
watched it happen saying nothing. Silence = consent.
"Things that are equally created and are the same
material are the same. If they are equal to each other. It’s true because it
works in all things". Equality in all things.
~Axiom - 2,000 years ago Asian mathematician.
Thank you for reading!
Pastor James P. Norman Jr.
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