Let’s talk about how all things fit into the benevolence of
God, as concerned for general good of the universe. The benevolence of God
requires the execution of the full penalty of the law upon all who reject
Christ’s salvation and God’s plan for man.
The scriptures imitate that Gods treatment of human sin is a
matter of instruction to all moral beings. The self-chosen ruin of the few may
be the salvation of the many. At this time we may be the only group that is in
limbo with standing on the principles of moral conduct and biblical standards.
Continued sin might have so striking a proof we might actually see the punishment
of the rebellious, loss of their moral suicide and ruin. This leading them to believe God’s holiness
is it’s irreconcilable antagonist.
With regard to the extent and scope of hell, we can say hell
is only a spot in the universe of God. Compared to heaven, hell is narrow and
limited. The kingdom of Satan is so insignificant in contrast with the kingdom,
Christ and the Holy Spirit. In the immense range of God’s dominion, good is the
rule and evil is the exception. Sin is a speck upon the infinite azure of
eternity; a spot on the sun, so why do so many believers practice it and think
they need a little to keep in touch with their humanity? Hell is only in a
corner of the universe, so why keep in touch with it?
The bible teaches that there will always be some sin and
death in the universe, so why do we allow the media and others to continue to
glorify the good things sin has to offer? There will always be those who will
take the job to be the tools of Satan. Thanks be to God their numbers compared
with that of the unfallen angels, (the redeemed blood bought and washed men and
women) is very small.
The present existence of sin and punishment is commonly
admitted to be in some way consistent with God’s benevolence, in that is made
the sin and punishments lead to good. It is entirely possible that their
eternal existence may lead to yet greater good. It’s still left up to you to
decide what direction you are “willing” to fight for and receive from. You may
choose either darkness or light? You have professed Christ but live in sin?
What do you expect? The present existence of sin and punishment is commonly
admitted to be in some way consistent with God’s benevolent, in that it is made
the means of revealing God’s justice and mercy. If the temporary existence of
sin and punishment lead to good, it is entirely possible that their eternal
existence may lead to yet greater good.
As benevolence in God in the beginning to have permitted
moral evil, not because sin was desirable in itself, but only because it was
incident to a system which provided for the highest possible freedom and holiness
in the creature. The infilling of the holy spirit is always there waiting for
the believer to turn things over to its care and maintenance. Benevolent in God
may to the end permit the existence of sin and may continue to punish the
offender (sinner). These things are undesirable in themselves because they are
incidents of a system which provides for the highest possible freedom and
holiness that the Holy Spirit can provide the persons through eternity.
The proper preaching and teaching of the doctrine of
everlasting punishment is not a hindrance to the success of the gospel. It is
one of the chief and indispensable auxiliaries.
It is maintained today by many however, because men are naturally
repelled by it, it cannot be part of the minister’s message.
If the doctrine be true, and clearly taught in scripture then
there is no fear of consequences to ourselves or to others because it is the
duty of teaching to cover all the bases. All preaching and teaching which
ignores the doctrine of eternal punishment lowers the holiness of God. It also
changes our relationship with the Holy Spirit and its ability to give us wise
counsel. Those who ignore this point on eternal punishment is and expression
and degrades the work of Christ which was needful to save us from it. We must in our search for right and wrong
watch out for the presence of disastrous reaction toward rationalism and
immorality. Strong religious spirits that are not sticking to biblical
standards will always start to drift into sidetracking people with deceptive
illusion of form and errors in content.
Religious spirits are into status, titles and position (Job
32:21-22). It is important what others think of a person and their material
appearance, this more important to them than what God thinks of them. Religious
spirits are not teachable and seem to know it all. Religious spirits are always
critical of the way you do anything for God. No matter how you do it, they will
always tell you that it could be done better.
Religious spirits spend a great deal of time talking about what
great and magnificent things they are going to do for God and then do nothing
but criticize others. Religious spirits will not get into agreement with or get
excited about the things of the spirit of God. Religious spirits will buck,
fight, argue, debate and contend. Religious spirits are typically gossips,
always talking about the faults of others. When religious spirits are exposed
they will accuse you of being unloving, hateful and non-Christ like. Saying you
are non-supporting of racial and cultural issues. Religious spirits view Jesus
as a little lamb never offending, upsetting, judging or standing on issues that
might be hard to handle but must be dealt with by the word of God.
Dr. James P. Norman
Artesian Well Church
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