If one wants healing, health, success, happiness and prosperity from God through the gospel, he must first of all learn the lesson and learn it well. He must stop doubting the word of God on anything that he says. If a man had never permitted himself to doubt in the first place, if he had also warded off all suggestions of Satan to doubt God, and if he had immediate and full victory over all doubt to begin with, there would not have been the struggle that there is today to believe God without a doubt. The first and last lesson one must learn is to doubt not if he wants anything from God. I must say, whatever I go though in life it never occurs to me to doubt God.

All material things are here for a time, no matter what it is. All men should maintain their attitude toward God at all time. God has made it very plain that he giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not; ask in Faith and it shall be given him.

Most churches today, (denominations specific) have moved so far from the plan and purpose of God, only a powerful and loving Jesus can pull them back.

At the writing of this blog our country is involved in another civil war. Each side is clear, either slavery or control over our freedom of religion as Christians. It’s too bad that so many of us Christians don’t use this simple rule of God; who is for us and who is against us? Let us ask God who is David and who is Goliath?

Everything plays a part in our health and healing. Conditions around us always effect our spirit, soul, and body. We are about to write a script that no one can believe, unless they are a part of this move of God. No more misquoting God’s word to fit your spiritless, powerless doctrines any longer.

If absolute, unwavering faith is what God demands before he obligates himself to answer then let everyone who asks see to it that he asks in faith (nothing wavering). If he has the definite word of God promising him what he asks, he then will receive. You must ask for what you have been taught to ask for.

If immediate answers to all prayers are the goal of any believer, he must never add one thing to God’s word or take one thing from it. He must learn to take every statement of God as it is written and practice it to the letter. If there is any occasion to argue or contend about any part of it, he must take the side of God and maintain faith in it just as it is, making no apology for faith in it. III John 2-4 depends on it for you.

There is a temptation to transgress God’s word to suite your culture, race, sex or a strange belief system to make the word come the way you want it. Once cannot transgress God’s word concerning sin and still be exempt from the death penalty. Neither can one transgress the law of faith Romans 8:11-25. There is no way possible to transgress that of faith and get an answer. There are many today who think they allow the law of abominations and step into God’s roll as savior. You are not the savior; you don’t change the terms or conditions that God sets forth. If you don’t understand what God is saying just do his word. Period! You will be held accountable for this rebellion.

Let’s pick up a little more on healing and health. The first prophesy and promise of redemption included healing for the body through Jesus Christ. Genesis 3:15, Isaiah 53:5, I Peter 2:24 That sickness originated with and is still being probated by Satan and his demons. Job 2:6-7, John 10:10 Your job as a believer is to provide as much biblical protection to those that are around you whether they sometimes like it or not. They will thank you for it later. J That’s the healing that is part of the children’s bread and their right by virtue of redemption. I John 3:8, I John 20-22 III John 2-4

That healing is also in the atonement and apart from the atonement God would have no right to answer prayer for healing, prosperity or soundness. For death was the penalty for sin and the law must be upheld: the sinner would have no right to ask God for healing etc. III John 2-4 for he is under the death sentence of sin.

Christ would not have healed for there would have been no means of forgiveness and healing, prosperity and deliverance. He would not have authorized his ministers to carry on his work. We are looking at the patent that Satan copy wrote for ministers in Ezekiel 34:1-10. These powers are in the church now. Here healing proves that one has the holy spirit in him. Ministers and ministries are out to prove that they have power and great faith by only things that are connected to them and God. You will have all these material things as a sign of you being blessed and bullet proof from the attacks of Satan. Then there are others who say if you have the right balance of God’s grace it will take care of the rest. That is not what God is all about. He is not the next easy fast way to happiness.

We have a little church in North Long Beach, Ca. called Artesian Well waiting to see some folks who are turning away from this new-norm. People that can remember when standing on the word of God meant life. To stand=I Corinthians 16:13, Galatians 5:1, Ephesians 6:13-14

P.S. I wasn’t going to say this but I must for my own peace of mind. The denomination of my wife and I in which we were saved and spirit filled (for over 40 years now) has lost its way. They are so confused, and tweaked out its unbelievable. They have allowed themselves to be taken over by men who actually think they are the saved ones, changing the word of God to meet our new culture. They call what God has written “old school” and that they are the ones who really know what God’s intentions are for now. They have appointed people over the flock whose activities are curse from Satan. They anoint these people to stand over the flock of God saying what sin is and what is not.

This group tells people if they leave the “truth” that they teach they could miss the rapture. There are men and women I once looked up to that are today no more puppets.  They are tied to a fellowship that is so mixed up they all might need to be delivered and start over. 

Pastor James P. Norman Jr.


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