What on Earth am I here for? PART 2

The second approach to discovering the purpose of life is what I call the Self-help approach.There are thousands and thousands of self-help books. They can be helpful in certain areas but not in the area of knowing your purpose.
~Rick Warren The purpose driven life.

From this group you get those who want to be a leader but no committed to see it through. If we do not follow their advice, they leave. These are the same folks who say if it's legal, permitted, and okay in the whole it should be the same in the church (crazy). What on earth am I here for? Why can't we tell God what we want and what he needs to do to answer our faith requests? The "Ecclesia" (ministry gifts) are meant to have a sphere / region of influence where the church impacts society in a far more tangible way and negate the operation of the devil in their designated region. Jesus’ mandate was to destroy the works of the devil. John 3:8

Jeremiah 29:7
“Seek the peace and prosperity of the city where I have caused you to be carried away captive, and pray to the Lord for it; for in its peace you will have peace"

Many are realizing that this will require sweeping and drastic changes where we are planted. We cannot be conformed to this city, but transform it by the renewing of our minds. No carnal minds (word of God based minds) weak undeveloped minds are prey for the beasts of the field. Brain- Intelligence (10% cerebral) we've done a lot with it. Look around. We have developed as the need and demand was needed.

The dolphins uses more of its brain than we do. 20% of the dolphin develop its own sonar system. Humans are more concerned with “having” more than “being”. This is the greatest challenge to man's spiritual existence. If we don't start to use our spiritual contact with God it may continue to grow weaker and weaker. We always want to gain more time to get something from God instead of spending time to be something for God.

We want to live as long as we can but not have the responsibility to reproduce and develop. Before we die we should hand down information for the next group to develop and continue the process of handing down. knowledge and development are handed down through time.This is what we are here for.

If we continue to hand over the right to speak into the productive human system (that God so perfectly created) to a group that has no way of defining reproduction in its kind by organ, sperm or egg then it will corrupt the whole human system. This will be without a shadow of a doubt, satanic. I believe that God would directly get involved in a very destructive way.

Just as a baby in her mom's womb, pregnant women manufacture CPH4 in their first 6 weeks pregnancy. In tiny quantities for the baby it packs the power of an atomic bomb. It's what keeps the baby and what gives the fetus the energy to manufacture all the bones in his body. All these sins against the mind and body are created by an alien conspiracy. We as fetuses are being created in the womb and are attacked even before they get out. Bad diets, cigarettes, drugs, stress, dangerous environments...etc.

Growing is a very painful thing for the human body, soul, and spirit. What makes us who we are is primitive obstacles that must be challenged and we must win. We really need what God has provided. When all you have is pain it will try to block you from understanding where your resources are and how to use it. You are allowing too many resources to tell you how and what to think. You only need one resource...the bible.

Pastor James P. Norman Jr.


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