Satan is the God of this world. Satan as that God has installed into every area of leadership (in the whole world) his form of leadership. A goat or ram’s head on a human body represent the sign of satanic dominance. The church in most places has some form of this from top to bottom. These leaders will make sure that the ministry never will get involved in the biblical purpose of that ministry.
They are not willing to hear the teaching on subjects like faith in the absolute ministry of Jesus. Topics like holiness, healing, deliverance from sin, sickness, and immoral activities they do not want to hear.
Jesus discussed the opposite characteristics of sheep and goats in Matthew 25, in the context of the final judgment a shepherd must divide his sheep from the goats. The goat head is the one who leads the sheep to the slaughter. The goat that walks and talks like a man is the old Satan himself. He multiplies himself. Within the church it is not so much a physical separation, but is spiritually powerful as well. It can also have physical sexual components to it.
A good shepherd will know his sheep from the goats. The wisdom is how to deal with them accordingly. Some shepherds have found themselves with more goats than sheep.
Goats are not to pastor, but they still need a shepherd. You must always be aware of goats desiring to lead or even becoming shepherds. Their threat is to the pasture. The pasture is there for the sheep to eat. Goats are not carnivorous. A goat can change its ways and become “sheepish”. However, the biggest hindrance to this occurring is the goat’s propensity to roam from one pasture to another from time to time. Goats won’t stay anywhere long enough to let the word of God change them. When something on the “menu” is to their personal distaste, they’re off again to another pasture of teaching.
One word of caution to pastors: Jesus said to leave the 99 sheep to go search for the one lost sheep. You don’t leave the sheep to go retrieve the goat. Goats are roamers; while they were there you did as much as you could with them; now they are gone. They will be in a new sheep fold next Sunday, saying the same wonderful things about their new church that they were saying about yours.
Luke 15:4-6 says one sign that a Pastor has lost his spiritual sight is the heavy reliance upon goats within his circle of influence. Goats often have financial resources or musical talents that can be used to manipulate leadership. When the power play comes they may say “I’m pulling out if I don’t get my way” and the pastor compromises. It is an open door for sin and chaos to run rampant within the flock.
The goats also have highly sexual desires. They specially desire to walk with other leaders in the ministry that normally walk upright in the church. These wild beasts are goats that walk on two hoofs, and they have horns. The horns represent Satan.
I Timothy 4:1-3, I Corinthians 10:20-21 and Ephesians 4:17-1 these passages prove that behind all heathen worship there is the spirit of demonic or devil worship. The horned goats-man and his witchcraft is the form of Mendez the God of the witches. The goal of the goat ministry is to give value, credibility, moral acceptability to their biblical immortality. They have no desire to become converts nor are they interested in following the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Goats will not display any of the characteristics listed below:
1. Sheep like to be led; Goats like to roam. They have “the grass is greener somewhere else” syndrome.
2. Sheep like still waters; Goats thrive in turmoil and strife
3. Sheep are easily corrected; Goats are always agitating others with their words and ways.
4. Sheep like toile in rest, trusting their shepherds; Goats are always suspicious of their leaders. Goats profess to have the gifts of discernment. What they have is the gifts of suspicion and strife.
5. Once a church gets repentance in their intercession the goats will leave
6. You must learn the biblical way of holiness, the religious way is to go after the goats and leave the sheep behind. There are more and more shepherds of a dark and cloudy day, and growing more and more every Sunday.
Ezekiel 34:1-31
Pastor James P. Norman Jr.
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