
Forerunner for Antichrist
Dear Saints:
Eph. 6:12
For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against persons without bodies – the evil rulers of the unseen world, those mighty satanic beings and queens evil princes of darkness who rule this world; And against huge numbers of wicked spirits in the spirit world.

As a follower of Jesus Christ, we find ourselves caught up in a conflict that spans both Heaven and Earth. The forces that confront us are “persons without bodies” – evil spiritual powers in the unseen realm that oppose all true righteousness and seek to establish Satan’s dominion over the whole world.

Our responsibility in this conflict is unique, because Christ has committed to us alone the spiritual insight and weapons that can give us victory. The governments and the armies of this world, operating solely on the natural plane, have no understanding of conflict and no power to deal with the satanic forces in the heavenlies. On the contrary, without realizing it, they themselves are manipulated and controlled by those forces.

            One essential requirement for victory is to identify the nature of the forces that are at work in any given situation. In my following the leading of the Lord I have opened up my heart only to a select group of men. The likes of Derek Prince and Major Ian Thomas and the likes. I believe that God has shown many the identity of the evil, deceptive power that Satan plans to consummate his purposes for the end of this age. It is “Humanism”. I had always thought of humanism as comparatively harmless error, supported by hippies and the like. When you consult a dictionary, if you look you will surprised by what it says: the denial of any power or moral value superior to that of humanity; the rejection of religion, in favor of a belief in the advancement of humanity by its own efforts. NO RIGHT or WRONG. Whatever you are able to work for your desired result. The more you study and hear the powerful Word of God; the more you will realize that humanism is NOT spirituality neutral.

On the contrary, it is a deliberate denial and rejection of God’s power and authority. It is an anti-Christian religion. For this reason, it can be – and often is – taught in educational systems, such as that of the U.S.A., which prohibit the teaching Christianity in its usual sense.

The exclamation of men is the force which will finally give rise to the Antichrist, whose name is the number of man. (Rev. 13:18), the man of lawlessness, who opposes and exalts himself above everything that is called God or is worshipped, and even sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God. (2 Thess. 2:3-4). He declares himself to be the new God that is making things that the old God said is sin or abomination. You as “Saints of God,” must be taught by these principalities, and evil spirits give them TITLES of spiritual authority and follow them.

You allowed yourself to be influenced by them however you are being lead.
Scripture reveals that he will bring under his and other smaller antichrists dominion all who have refused the love of the truth. For this reason God will send them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie – the original lie, that is, with which Satan deceived our first parents. “You will be like God...or like Gods.” This exaltation of man in the place of God will usher in “the great tribulation – a period of worldwide agony so terrible that it will exceed even the holocaust of 1939 – 1945 (Matt. 24: 21 – 22).

Before this final period of tribulation, however, God still has tremendous purposes to work out for both Israel and church. A harvest of mercy will precede the harvest of judgment. God’s preparation for this is revealed in Zech 9:13: I will raise up your sons, O Zion, against your sons, O Greece…”
The “Sons of Greece” are those who embrace the deception of humanism. The “Sons of Zion” are those who take their stand upon the infallible Word of God, embracing both its promises and its covenants. Over the past 4 years. I have went to the very depths of Satan’s attacks, and been stripped of every material thing and, now I am stronger in trust and faith than ever in my life. The “Sons of Covenant” will be drawn both from Natural Israel and from the professing church. Of them it will be said, they overcame him (Satan) by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. “They will be people with one overriding priority; to do the will of God will be more important to them than to hold on to life itself.

            Numerically, we are vastly out – numbered by the forces of humanism. Nevertheless, we can take courage from thee example of Asa, King of Judah. Facing an invasion by an overwhelmingly superior army, his prayer of desperation turned sure defeat into total victory. I was there personally, and as a church no matter who I asked or where I turned the answer no, or just crumbs from their table. The spirit of God told me stop right now. He this is my doing for a sign not to the unbeliever only but also to the believer. The Holy Spirit has increased my peace, and anointing to fight the good fight of faith. He promised he will set on high all who are in him that will stand in his leading. For us today, his prayer provides a wonderful pattern with which to counter the self-exalting forces of humanism.

            Lord, there is no one like you to help the powerless against the mighty. Help us, O lord our God, for we rely on you, and in your name Jesus we have come against this vast army. O lord, you are our God; do not let man prevail against you. -II Chronicles 14:11 NIV

It is said that words are the most powerful force in the universe; if this is true then the Word of God is that power. The Devil has devised a way of communication to stop that power, it’s called: Political Correctness. Its main concept is that a lie is okay if it gets the result needed at the time it is happening the Church un-checked.

Pastor James P. Norman Jr.


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