Holiness Life: The Manifestations of Perverseness in the Church
4:17-19 Amplified
look at and address how the unawareness of satanic or demonic possession is
taking its toll on the church and around the world. I remember in the 70’s,
there were those who thought that the charismatic movement was not of God. I
use this example to explain why Satan and his demons have been successfully
dominating the human race for years. Jesus’ ministry showed us that God sent
him also to deliver man from all forms of demonic perverseness. In Jesus' time
demons were successful in existing inside the mind and body of individuals.
(Matthew 4:23-24, Hebrews 2:14-15) Demons had the ability to bring about many
forms of sickness and disease. I think that the church today is more involved
in mental and social development and the tolerance of all kinds of sin. The
church today for the most part also believes that by being understanding and
patient with demons and demonic activity that the demons would get tired and
leave man’s mind that was subject to their evil torture. Which
manifests in many forms including fear, sickness and disease. Jesus showed
us the power that was given unto him by God, over all unclean spirits and over
all manner of sicknesses of the flesh.
is a spirit, cherub angel. His creation name was Lucifer, and he once abided in
the light and truth of God. When Lucifer sinned against God, he was accused and
cast out of heaven and given the name Satan. Has God changed his stand on any
of Satan’s activities, and evil results? I don't think so, and if you
follow the Devils example of standing against the word of God no
matter what you think about how true your church doctrine might be. If you
think you don’t need the same power and authority that Jesus placed in the body
which is his church which was purchased with his blood there is no help for
you. You do understand that Satan is full of wisdom especially in the area
of music and all the other demons have their special abilities and
powers to perform in the areas that they operate.. Satan with his wisdom has
perfected the lie and the ways of deceit. All the other demons that are also
wise in deceit have united themselves in the four corners of the earth, north,
south, east and west. Today we are told to believe that all religious beliefs
are equal and are also seen this way in God’s eyes. Even when they are doing
beheadings and killing women and children of that same religion
while Christians and Jesus being are being killed openly in
worldwide view. It’s ok just don’t show it when I’m watching my sports,
stories, or any other form of entertainment. These devils have created
religions in their honor so that mankind will worship them as God and creator
of all things. That’s why all around the world in every nation there are
two forms of systems existing, the religious and the political system.
America we are allowing the social cultural and political systems to establish
themselves into the code of conduct and even saying what is right and wrong.
Even going to the extent of telling many the bibles real meaning is in defining
good and evil. These systems say there is no evil; there is nothing to be
delivered from, only understood with love and kindness. These systems are the
inspirations of demonic spirits. Mankind is being deceived to believe he is
worshipping the true God when he’s actually worshipping the devil. We have too
many at the top of church leadership who have studied the government manual
more that the word of God. They have attended secular colleges, and
universities instead of being trained in a real bible setting under
a biblically taught Pastor. Many today also think the way to get our young
people is to entertain them; Danger, Danger, Danger because Satan is the God of
want to focus on another hidden form of demons of wise deceit, the demons
of Lasciviousness. Let me stop here and make a statement about what I have
learned over the many years of being a Pastor/Teacher. “The biggest challenge
that has come to me is teaching religious Christians Christianity. O.K let’s go
back to where I left off. Lasciviousness includes all lustful and sexual
forms of perverseness. It’s the loss of reason to bridle ones desires.
It’s having no control of and living with no boundaries. They’re the demons
that influence and control the mind of man, causing him not to accept any and
all things that are not of Satan. Satan is bi-sexual in his nature and
character. He’s a murderer, he’s a thief, and he’s a destroyer of all that is
good. Christianity is the “Great Escape” from all this is evil.
an example you have church groups that are elevating men and women who have
alternate life styles of all varieties. Preaching, teaching, and entertaining
in the pulpit, but leave the church after the meeting and go straight to the
bars, night clubs, and there sexual encounters. You say that’s
just maybe a few, but it is more than you think. The church in many places has
become the “Great Babylon”. For an example, it’s natural and normal by design
for a man to only want a woman, and a woman only to want a man. To hear that
God made these lascivious natures as a part of his design and purpose is the
biggest lie ever. That’s why; it becomes normal to you if you’re a man
and want to lie down with a man, and vice versa for a woman being with a woman.
Now you live your life with this spirit causing you to go against nature and
God. Therefore heaping up the judgment of God against you, which is another
perfect plan of Satan and his demons. (Romans 1:24-32, Galatians 5 -19). The
Devil has their minds in a state of sexual perverseness and confusion.
He is not going to ever make it easy for you to choose the ways of the word of
God. There is a church organization that I have loved the saints all my saved
life. They have been taken over by the lust of eye, the lust of the flesh and
the pride of life. They have the loyalty of pastors, and other
church leaders which offers them elevations to Bishop, District Leaders
and even state leadership, this is all in the plan of Satan.
I say
to all the church defenders of bad behavior you share in as much of the
allowances of evil as all others. Do you understand all you’re doing
is aiding and covering for evil doers, which allows them to spread through the
churches. There are those today who profess to be spiritual, but are hiding
behind being Christians as public figures, such as entertainers, athletes,
politicians and church leaders but are really members of many other
disciplines such as the illuminati, Satan worship and eastern religions.
You can hear their metaphysical takes in their sermons hiding behind their mega
church standings. It’s all over T.V and the media. The reason why this is
happening is due to the fact that many in the church are so weak and
selfish which leads to being consumed with the cares of this world,
the deceitfulness of riches and pleasures. They could care less about what’s
going on around them, they just want to get theirs.
Last Topic of Satanic deception:
There are many forms of doctrine of non-biblical origin that has found its way
into Christian bible teaching. In the black community we see ex-Muslims, and
ex-Nation of Islam teaching coming into our churches from the top down
and many returning from jail or prison are now charge. New age,
Christian Science, social cultural, racist ideas, government codes of conduct
and Robert rules of order are influencing meetings where the word of God should
be the final authority on how moral issues should be decided. Who can out
talk, shout the loudest or even pound on the table the hardest will rule the
day. We see today more and more willingness in many churches for the Jews to be
left alone, and fight for themselves. My whole take on today is that we need
kingdom teaching which is teaching on the power and authority of the believer
to be involved in the performing of signs and wonders. Man may declare his
judgments against God’s word of truth but that does not make it so or
acceptable with God. Any judgment that goes against God’s judgments and
counsel is sin and darkness and will receive recompense. Satan has his false
prophets (fake pastors and teachers) out there saying that there is nothing
wrong, no sin; it’s all good with God. We are all God’s people; everyone is
already saved and going to heaven. God just loves us all, he does not care who
you have sex with! His grace steps in no matter what sin you commit he’s got
your back. God has never taken this kind of attitude about any form of sin, by
any one and He never will.
Are you that corrupt? Yes and sin sick! God now agrees with sin! You know that
all unlawful sexual acts are transgressions, which means this is something that
God has said for us not to do! It is very obvious that it’s all the works of
Satan and his demons. Now we have gay bishops, ministers, teachers, choir
singers and parents!! God help us all in Jesus Name! They treat the word of God
as a joke. Notice the fear of the lord is absent in their messages. There is no
such thing as a “Gay Saint” or a saved homosexual. Why? Because unlawful sexual
acts are transgressions, which means this is something that God has said for us
not to do! Those that practice this way of life help demons to influence the
human race with sickness and diseases by convincing them to go against Gods
word and to live a lifestyle resulting from the curses of God. (1 Corinthians
Talk to you soon,
Pastor James P. Norman Jr.
Artesian Well Church
6031 Linden Avenue
Long Beach, Ca
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