Thou Art Worthy...(Part 2)

I always do those things which please him.  How often did the Lord Jesus do those things which pleased the Father?  ALWAYS!  That was the nature of the sinlessness of his humanity.  This was the character of his normality.  This was the perfect liberty of God’s son.  We say, I’ll do as I please, and imagine that represents the liberty we enjoy.  “School’s over, I’m not subject to my mom and dad, I’ll do as I please.”  That’s glorious liberty in our human connotation but that was not the liberty, the freedom that was enjoyed by Jesus.  The liberty that the Lord Jesus enjoyed an that liberty which he now gives to you and me was comprehended by the fact that the Lord Jesus was always at liberty to do only those things that pleased his Father.  That is freedom.  He said I've entered into no engagement, I've made no friendship, I've indebted myself to nobody, I’m under no obligation whatever to anybody, anywhere at any time that would make it impossible for me at all times exclusively and only to do what my Father pleases.  That is freedom.  Are you free?  If the son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed.  It means that from that moment you will be at liberty at all times to do only and exclusively which pleases Christ.  Can you right now say I've entered into no obligation, no friendship, and indebtedness, no financial, social, any religious or ecclesiastical obligation that would make it utterly impossible to do that which pleases Christ?  If not, then you’re no longer free.

Let’s say that God called you to the mission field, but you fall in love with a girl and she cannot stand bugs so a decision is made not to go.  You are not free but obligated to the relationship.  Let’s say, you attend church regularly, can recite John 3:16, can sing the songs of Zion and have a friend who chooses not to share this part of your life.  So you decide to forego an occasional church service for the friend. Are you free?  The answer is no.  Let’s say you have a business, which is grinding and takes every ounce of energy and time and Christ has called you to a deeper relationship and involvement.  However, when you arrive home you are tired.  You are really not free.  In these instances, the boy has the wrong girlfriend; the other has the wrong friend, and the other the wrong business.  The Lord Jesus in submitting himself to the criteria of a man’s humanity was free at all times to do only always that, which pleased the Father.  He said as my Father sent me, I send you.  I didn't ask you to reserve a few hours in the week when you have some religious fellowship with a few fellow believers, I didn't send you for that, I told you to go out into the world and be available to me 24 hours a day so that no matter under what circumstance, you’re always available to do as I please, and you’ll be free.  So the criteria in a man’s humanity is that he is created to please God. 

The second principle as illustrated in Hebrews 11:6.  In the 5th verse, we are told that Enoch was translated that he should not see death and was not found, because God had translated him, because his testimony pleased God.  Now the premise upon which a man, woman or child can please God.  Without faith it is impossible to please him.  It doesn't say you’ll only partially please him, it doesn't say you may perhaps him, it says without faith it is impossible to please him.  If you and I were created to please God, and without faith it is impossible to please God, then quite obviously faith isn't a luxury.  Faith is not a matter of taste.  Faith is not an option but imperative and absolutely essential that you and I understand the nature of faith, because if it’s not understood, then we cannot please God.  Do you know what faith is?  Do you really understand the nature of faith?  Most Christians don’t.  Consider the nature of faith and what it really is.  It is never ever under any circumstances demonstrated by what you’re doing for Jesus, which is a popular delusion – being busy for God.  Some may mistake this as faith which is NONSENSE.  Faith in God is never demonstrated by what you are doing for God.  Faith is a disposition, or an attitude that invokes the activity of someone else, a second party.  Faith when exercised brings somebody and or something into action on your behalf.

Right now, as you read, you may be sitting in a chair, and in doing so exercising faith. Your faith in the chair isn't being exercised by your activity in supporting your own weight.  Your faith in the chair is being demonstrated by the activity of the chair in discharging its office, proving its integrity between you and the floor.  You're exercising faith in a chair.  Suppose you had a bad tooth and needed dental surgery. Which surgeon would you trust?  How would you ensure trust or faith in a particular surgeon.  You would to to him and invoke his activity. When you go, who grabs the drill, you or him?  When you sit in the chair, do you say to him open wide?  If you told him to open his mouth, he would tell you to shut yours.  You go to the dental surgeon because you trust him, because it is he not you that gets into action and your faith in him is not demonstrated by what you're doing for him but by what he is doing for you?

Your faith is demonstrated by what someone else is doing on your behalf.  The statement, my faith in Jesus is demonstrated by what I'm doing for Him is pure nonsense.  What you're doing for Jesus only demonstrates faith in yourself.  If you make Christ the object of your faith, then he will become the origin of your activity. Then the world will see what Christ can do through you.  All the attention goes to Christ and not to ourselves.  Never should a man be congratulated on his faith in God. Congratulate him on his Creator, not on his faith.  Faith is a disposition.  The more confident you are in the object of your faith, the less conscious you are of the faith you exercise in that object.  You never have to advertise your faith if you are truly exercising it.  If you are always worried about your faith relationship to God, then you need to get reacquainted with God.

Where does faith come from?  By hearing, hearing the Word of God, not listening to what other people have to say about God, but listening to what God has to say about himself and about you and me.  Giving God time enough to talk to you long enough so that at last you will know enough.  It the only cure for ignorance. Get acquainted with God. 

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Artesian Well Church

6031 Linden Avenue
Long Beach, Ca 90805


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