A Double-Minded Man

James 1: 8 states that a double minded man is unstable in all his ways. This man is unwavering, uncertain, doubting and has a divided interest.  In addition, this divided interest it expressed when it comes to the word of God.  This division is exemplified when there is doubt concerning God’s word.  The root of doubt and division can be attributed to sin and bad teaching.  When demonstrated by a Christian this is detrimental to their faith experience.

According to Finis Dake, “If one wants healing, health, success, happiness, and prosperity from God and through the Gospels, He must first of all learn the lesson, and learn it well that he must stop doubting the word of God on anything that it says.” 
If a man had never permitted himself to doubt God, had received immediate and full victory over all suggestions of Satan to doubt; had received immediate and full victory over all doubt initially; then there would have not been a struggle with believing in God.  If a man wants anything from God, then the first and last lesson that must be learned is to not doubt.  You must say it never occurs to me to doubt God.

What could be clearer than this?

If this is God’s condition for answered prayer, then it would be beneficial for a person to make up their mind before petitioning and communicating their request to God.  Until all doubt is cleansed from your life, there will be some addition to and misquoting of God’s word, because of the fact that this is part of doubting God and excuses one’s self for unbelief and doubt.

This doubting of God’s word creates a type of false Christianity. The role of the false Christianity has within it the habit of praying to question, wonder, reason, argue, and lay blame upon God when prayer is not immediately answered.  Seldom is there any examination or evaluation to analyze the truth and to realize that it is to blame for yielding to satanic powers that cause doubt and influence one to live in unbelief. 

If the goal of any believer is the immediate answer to all prayers, then he must never add one thing to God’s word or take one thing from it.  He must learn to take every statement of God as it is written and practice it to the letter. If there is any occasion to argue or contend about any part of it, then he must take God’s side and maintain faith in it just as it is, making no apology for faith in it. He must never give in to any excuse for unbelief and never doubt one thing that is plainly written.  His first and last contention should be that it is clear and that it means what it says and says what it means.  He must never excuse himself or anyone from absolute conformity to it just as it is written, whether it harmonizes with his own theories or those of his church.

Dishonesty and handling the word of God deceitfully will destroy more faith in one day than can be built up in a lifetime.  You must never be guilty of trying to evade truth or to evade what is plainly evident in the scriptures themselves.  A frank admission of what is plainly written and a confession of faith in it will do more to build up faith than questioning and doubting programs of the devil and natural reasoning.

I thank you for your continued viewing and reading.  If this Blog and its contents has been a blessing to you, then I ask, with God's leading, that you consider supporting my ministry, Artesian Well Church which is located at 6031 Linden Avenue Long Beach, California.

Thank you for reading!
Pastor James P. Norman Jr.


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