The Failure Mechanism: How to Make it Work for You Instead of Against You- Part 2

Success-Type Personality Just as a doctor learns to diagnose disease and success can also be diagnosed. The reason is that a man does not simply “find” “success; or “come to” failure and success can also be diagnosed. He carries their seeds around in his personality and character. New Roles Require Self-Images You must see yourself succeeding in Christ as a person able to handle the challenges of life with the power that comes with being a King’s kid. Picture of S.U.C.C.E.S.S. is Looking at Jesus • Sense of Direction. We are designed as a goal-seeking mechanisms or souls. When we have no personal goal which we are interested in which “means something” to us, we are apt to go around in circles, feel “lost” and find life itself “aimless” and “purposeless.” Prescription: Get yourself a goal worth working for. Better still get yourself a project. (Isa. 11:2; Habakkuk 2:2; Proverb 29:18; Isa. 28:5-12) • Understanding. Understanding depends upon good communication. You cannot react appropriately if the information you get is faulty or misunderstood. (Lawyers build their whole case many times on the understanding they get from their clients.) We expect other people to react and respond and come to the same conclusions as we do from a given set of “facts” or “circumstances.” No one reacts to things as they are, but to his own “mental images.” (Philemon 5-6) • Concentration. Faith is characterized by a concentrated focus on the Hope that lies within. “Looking Up” is looking into Christ that lives in you and not idly staring aimlessly into the Heavens for a response to your circumstances. You have to shut out all familiar voices that lend you excuses to quit, fail or become discouraged. (Colossians 1:27) • Confidence. Confidence is not summoned up on mere self-affirmation; it confidence is nurtured vertically through your faith in and in cultivating a circle of people who want you to succeed. People who are success–minded have doing well on their mind and have evidence of accomplishments in their life. They’re not just “yes” people, but they are in possession of tangible wisdom that can be applied. True wisdom allows you to use what you know. (Hebrews 10:35; Psalms 1:1-3) • Evidence. Your faith will work to your success, if your assessment is based on the truth. Remember, your confession isn't denying what is in front of you, but rather it is taking the position that God’s promise is superior in light of it. (Hebrews 11:1,11-12) • Standing. Standing is like building your foundation on a rock. Standing allows it to be permissible for you to defy the elements of nature and “walk on water” so to speak. You don’t have to be a statistic for the number-counters, you can be uniquely you. When you know who you are, you are at the core of your integrity. (James 1:22-24) • Strength. Strength and ability is derived from a total giving away of your life. If you’re tired of being sick and tired, then try something new—like letting God show you your life from His point of view. This is the joy that you need to see yourself through to the next level. (Nehemiah 8:10)


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