
Showing posts from 2012

The Supernatural Christian

We live in a time when we are becoming more aware that the supernatural is all around us. Our society celebrates vampire chronicles and sorcery like never before. I don't have to name them, as I am sure they're in the forefront of your mind (if you don't live under a rock). As a result, we find that we are realizing a world that is unseen and we could be exposing ourselves to spirits. Since my young adult years, I have been aware of my supernatural gifts. I was fortunate enough to be immersed in a church that frequented the grace gifts as a lifestyle. Grace gifts were not considered a side show spectacle, but it was apparent to me in my early years of faith, that the supernatural authority really was the gift of God (Luke 10:19).  I would hear of stories of my grandmothers and great aunts calling on the name of Jesus on their way home from church. They would testify how they would see angels apprehend would-be thieves and render them helpless in fear. I would hear how God...

The Duty of Saints Regarding Satan

The Apostle Paul speaks of believers having the “treasure of God’s power” in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us (2 Cor 4:7). He also states that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, by Mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds; casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. (Eph 6:10-18) Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. ( 2Chr 29:11-12; 2Chron 20:6; Ps 62:11; Zec 4:6; Ro 13:1-3) God has all power, and there is no power that is not ordained of God (Acts 1:8) The Work of Satan Satan’s dominion is forcing its rule upon men by sheer force of power.His works are a varied nature. He is a religious leader (Rev 2:9; 3:9; 2 Cor 11:14) He has been worshipped as god through the ages, and worship of him will be revived in the future under the Antichrist in a...

Demonic Teaching Spirits

We are in a spiritual war. Spirits teaching on authority to cast out demons, bind and loose spirits, use the name of Jesus-our warfare is not carnal [1] . Christians and the church is in a war for dominion, kingdom against kingdom, culture against culture. Values against values, lines of thinking against all the things of God. There are places where demonically influenced rulers reside, govern and oversee their agendas. We forget that evil spirits teach. They have wiles, seductions, philosophies, beliefs, values and world views. They pass on these teachings to men who in turn pass them on to saints and the church. When men gather around demonic inspired teachings they develop a kingdom. Kingdoms are recognized by culture. Cultures can conflict with the kingdom of darkness for example which will conflict with the kingdom of light. The “type of conflict” is based on the city or nation you reside. Remedy: see yourself as a teacher, as an official representative of the kingdom of God...