
The Reason and Importance for Being Spirit-Filled

  The Reason and Importance for Being Spirit-Filled Being Spirit-filled opens the saints to the plan and purpose of each believer, the fruits and gifts of every area in the Word of God, and the understanding of the word mystery. Christ in you, the Hope of glorifying Godhead by using everything in Him. Jesus is not the author of division or strife. You have a renewed spirit—a word trained for your soul and body as a container. A new temple to start with the nine gifts and the fruits to develop your character and walk. But there is a warning to you all: You do not have the right to give homo-genders a seat at the table with the righteous. With homosexuals—your abuses, at least 50+ other sexual activities. They know how to use the authority given to them in churches to kill, steal, and destroy, the power and authority to kill your anointing. You are letting in the king of evil, Satan. Giving reasons and by saying you don't hate the person, you tackle their lifestyle. How can you separ...

Entrance Into God's Kingdom

    Entrance Into God's Kingdom, NOT the Kingdom of Darkness God’s answer to the sinner’s question: Acts 2:38 -- Repent, be baptized and receive the Holy Spirit I. Repentance - Repentance is an inward decision and an act of the will that represents the sinner's initial response to God. It is a heartfelt recognition of one's need for forgiveness and a turning away from a life of sin. Repentance involves a deep conviction and sorrow for wrongdoing, accompanied by a genuine desire to change and seek reconciliation with God. Mark 1:3-4 Prepare ye the way of the Lord ... John did preach the baptism of repentance.  Mark 1:15- Jesus: Repent ye and believe the gospel..  Luke 13:3-5 Except ye repent , ye shall all likewise perish… Luke 24:47- Repentance , and remission of sins should be preached. Acts 2:38 Repent and be baptized.  Acts 3;19 Repent and be converted.  Acts 17:30- God now commandeth all men everywhere to repent … Acts 20:21-Testifying repentance toward...


  The true manifestation of the Holy Spirit will be earmarked by: A. A Christ-like spirit of love, patience, and faith in God B. Soberness and keenness of Spirit vision  C. Deep humility of heart and meekness of spirit, with a lion-like courage against sin, sickness, poverty, disease, discouragement, failure, and every other thing that could cause defeat in the Christian life. D. Absolute clearness of the mental facilities in intelligent action to carry out Bible instructions concerning known duty and personal life as a Christian. E. Freedom from all fault-finding, surmising, whispering or slander to anyone, and freedom from all works of the flesh that are listed in Rom. 1:29-32; I Corinth. 6:9-11; Gal. 5:19-21; Mark 7:19-21 F. The lack of any condemning and judging spirit, or seeking to hurt anyone by thought, word, or deed. All divine readings will be for the edification and betterment of all concerned and will be in accord with the golden rule. Matt. 7:12 G. Freedom from an...


Church is the beauty of holiness I Chronicles 16:29 - give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name bring him an offering and come before him; Worship the Lord in the beauty of Holiness. Psalms 29:2 - Christians are commanded to be perfect in Holiness in body and spirit. such as possible in Christ. God is spoken of as being glorious in holiness. His throne is called one of holiness. Ministers Should Be Holy   Avoid everything inconsistent with Leviticus 21:6 and Isaiah 52:11 Leviticus. 21:6 - profane means to show irreverence, blaspheme, and to disrespect the name of God by sinning  Isaiah 52:11 - Be ye clean, you who bear the vessels of the Lord. Be Examples of Holiness I Timothy 4:11-12 - Once again a example of charity in spirit , in faith, and purity. Exhort to Holiness Heb. 12:14 meaning to follow /to pursue /chase seek after/follow closely Luke 21:19 - In your patience possess ye your souls. Possess your Possessions  Obadiah is about both Deliverance and ...


  Holiness Becoming in the church  Psalms 93: 5 is about holiness and testimonies. The term holiness is used here of the word of God in its various Revelations of Truth.  Holiness became thy House. An example is the behavior of aged women. According to Titus 2:3-4 aged women can be great examples of Holiness. Titus 2:3-4 5       Age women not necessarily aged in years but in the Lord.  verse 4   that they may teach these young women Verse 5 to be discreet Character of God Meditate on the following scriptures on the Character of God regarding Holiness: Leviathan.19:2 Speak  1 Peter 1:15-16 So be ye holy Ephesians 5:12 Followers of God  Mimetes in the Greek means imitators; mimic the gait, speech, accent, and manner of life of another. It means Care to imitate God as children do their parents-- imitate his acts, words, nature, ways graces, and Spirit.  Character of Christ Romans 8:29 work together, while all things are work...