The Reason and Importance for Being Spirit-Filled
The Reason and Importance for Being Spirit-Filled Being Spirit-filled opens the saints to the plan and purpose of each believer, the fruits and gifts of every area in the Word of God, and the understanding of the word mystery. Christ in you, the Hope of glorifying Godhead by using everything in Him. Jesus is not the author of division or strife. You have a renewed spirit—a word trained for your soul and body as a container. A new temple to start with the nine gifts and the fruits to develop your character and walk. But there is a warning to you all: You do not have the right to give homo-genders a seat at the table with the righteous. With homosexuals—your abuses, at least 50+ other sexual activities. They know how to use the authority given to them in churches to kill, steal, and destroy, the power and authority to kill your anointing. You are letting in the king of evil, Satan. Giving reasons and by saying you don't hate the person, you tackle their lifestyle. How can you separ...