The true manifestation of the Holy Spirit will be earmarked by: A. A Christ-like spirit of love, patience, and faith in God B. Soberness and keenness of Spirit vision C. Deep humility of heart and meekness of spirit, with a lion-like courage against sin, sickness, poverty, disease, discouragement, failure, and every other thing that could cause defeat in the Christian life. D. Absolute clearness of the mental facilities in intelligent action to carry out Bible instructions concerning known duty and personal life as a Christian. E. Freedom from all fault-finding, surmising, whispering or slander to anyone, and freedom from all works of the flesh that are listed in Rom. 1:29-32; I Corinth. 6:9-11; Gal. 5:19-21; Mark 7:19-21 F. The lack of any condemning and judging spirit, or seeking to hurt anyone by thought, word, or deed. All divine readings will be for the edification and betterment of all concerned and will be in accord with the golden rule. Matt. 7:12 G. Freedom from an...