We Make Three Prophetic Declarations
Prophetic Declaration #1 based on Joshua 1 This is a new day. I am entering into the Promise Land. I am entering into the plans and purposes of God for my new life. I am entering into my inheritance and receiving God's promises, Everyone. Nothing can stand in our way and no enemy will prevail against us, for God is with us. He will never leave us or forsake us. We are strong and courageous; we are not fearful or discouraged. We feed on the Word of God in our heart and we obey it. We have success in that which God has called us to. Prophetic Declaration #2 based on Isaiah 54:1-5 We sing; We burst into song, We shout for joy, for the promises of God are being birthed in our lives. The Lord is giving us spiritual children! We are pushing out the boundaries around our lives. We are making room for the supernatural. We do not hold back. We are spreading out to the right and to the left. Our children both n...