
Showing posts from April, 2015

We Make Three Prophetic Declarations

Prophetic Declaration #1 based on Joshua 1 This is a new day.  I am entering into the Promise Land.  I am entering into the plans and purposes of God for my new life.  I am entering into my inheritance and receiving God's promises, Everyone. Nothing can stand in our way and no enemy will prevail against us, for God is with us.  He will never leave us or forsake us.  We are strong and courageous; we are not fearful or discouraged. We feed on the Word of God in our heart and we obey it.  We have success in that which God has called us to. Prophetic Declaration #2 based on Isaiah 54:1-5 We sing; We burst into song, We shout for joy, for the promises of God are being birthed in our lives.  The Lord is giving us spiritual children!  We are pushing out the boundaries around our lives.  We are making room for the supernatural.  We do not hold back. We are spreading out to the right and to the left.  Our children both n...

Some Mistaken Ideas Among Christians

Not only does the average Christian miss the mark by failing to understand the laws of answered prayer, or if he knows them, to obey these laws faithfully, but the average believer holds more or less to fallacies which hinder prayer. Fallacy #1: God will not permit harm to befall a person who does the best he can There are times the so-called best one can do is not enough to please God or to ward off attacks from demonic forces.  Man's performance cannot always be adequate because of his lack of knowledge to conform intelligently to the will of God.  People frequently think they are doing their best when they are putting forth all the effort possible to live as they please and be religious as they can while living a life of pleasure and selfishness.  The best a person can do, if he really wants to do his best, is to forsake all sin, selfishness, worldliness, and everything displeasing to God and give himself wholly over to the total will of God according to the s...

Don't Blame Fate When Things Go Wrong

Call for help, Saints, if you think anyone will answer!  To which holy angels will you turn?  The hot temper of a fool eventually kills him, the jealous anger of a simpleton does her in.  I've seen it myself,  fools putting down roots, and then suddenly their houses are cursed.  Their children out in the cold, abused and exploited, with no one to stick up for them. Hungry people off the street plunder their harvests, cleaning them out completely, taking thorns and all, insatiable for everything they have.  Don't blame fate when things go wrong - trouble doesn't come from nowhere. It's human!  Mortals are born and bred for trouble, as certainly as sparks fly upward.  If I were in your shoes, I'd go straight to God.  I'd throw myself on the mercy of God.  After all, He's famous for great and unexpected acts; there's no end to His surprises. He raises up the down and out, gives firm footing to those sinking in grief.  He...