True and False Repentance
For Godly sorrow worketh repentance into [unto]salvation, not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death. 2 Corinthians 7:10 The foundation of repentance is in the Word of God. For true repentance, there must be a change of opinion in regard to sin. Secondly, there must be a change in opinion of character of sin in the sight of God. Third, there must be a change in the opinion to the prospect of delighting in sin. Finally, there must be a change of opinion to the tenancies of sin. As a consequence of these changes in these opinions towards sin, there is a corresponding change of feelings and attitude in reverence to God. If repentance is genuine, there is within the mind, a conscious change of view and feeling in regard to sin. Where repentance is genuine, the disposition to repeat sin is gone. Genuine repentance continually works a reformation of conduct. Repentance, when true and genuine, leads to confession and restitution. True repentance is a permanent change o...